25 thoughts on “Contact Us!”


  2. I have a family cemetery located in Jefferson Co., MS, just south of Alcorn College. It is on the grounds of a hunt club on private property. The owners are very hesitant to give me access to the cemetery. What are my legal rights? and do I have to go get the Sheriff to access this cemetery? I am also trying to get it on the historic register. My 4th and 3rd Great Grandfather are buried here. They are one of the founders of the Bethal Presbyterian Church in Rodney, MS The church is on the national historic register. The cemetery is known as the Compton/Hubbard Cemetery. It is also on Find-a-Grave.

    What do I need to do to get access?
    Kathy Hubbard Austin

    • Probably going to need the sheriff’s help with that. Being it’s on private land and new laws have been in effect for several years about private lands. That hunting club is up for sale I believe now as of 04-30-2022. You might be able to contact the realtors. Google hunting club for sale Jeff Davis county Ms should take you right to it. Hope this helps sorry it took so long for someone to answer.

  3. I was looking through the indexes and I saw this, “202B 19 WILIE JANE 60 NC pg0202b.txt” How do I go about actually viewing this? Thank you!

  4. Wasn’t the cave in on the banks of the river in 1888 and not 1883? My grandfather lost his life in the cave in in 1888. His name was Peyton Harrison and he died around October 15th-16th. His body was found later in November. Still looking for who his parents are.

  5. I am trying to find out how my family and I can visit a cemetery that is located in Mississippi. The research I have done shows it to be on private land, I am not sure how to find out who owns this land to obtain permission to get a one time access. Would really mean lot to my family and I. This is what I have found:….The old McGehee-White Family Cemetery is located about 6 miles West of Como on Harry Taylor Road. It is located in section 33, Township 6, Range 8 in Panola County, off the road, in the woods, on private property.

    • You can go to the county courthouse website and check the landroll. Or go down the county courthouse. It’s a little tricky with private land owners about gaining access, they might be welcome to the idea or you might have to ask the county sheriff or chancery clerks office(civil court) about what you could do. I myself always thought graveyards were always open to the public. No matter day or night or location. Hope this helps

      • And this is an update, law states that land owners are to give reasonable access to all graveyards. I think it’s HB1423 (house bill 1423)

  6. I have several questions regarding a couple of my family ancestors that I have traced back to Lawrence County but I have hit a brick wall and was wondering if someone could please help me. First, and probably most interestingly, my great-great-grandfather was Mr. Needum Pink (or Pinkney) Lambert, a retired Lawrence County farmer. He was born in 1885 in Monticello, Mississippi & died in September 1961, due to a shotgun wound. I have found some articles on Newspapers.com that tell me that they arrested a man named Samuel King for the shooting, but I can not find out whatever came of the case. Also, I have found proof that Mr. Pink Lambert was married to a Mrs. Martha Neal, who was also married to Mr. Samuel King. Mr. Pink Lambert also married Mrs. Martha Neal’s sister, Mrs. Susie Neal. I see newspaper article’s that say that the “Neal” family was a very well-known family in Lawrence County at that time, but I do not know why. Also, my great-grandmother was named Ruby Lambert. Mrs. Ruby Lambert married my great-grandfather Olan King and after his death, she married a Mr. Frank Costellanos. I have spoke to some of the family on the Lambert side, and they told me that they have always been told that Mrs. Ruby Lambert and her mother, Mrs. Susie Lambert, were Native American’s and did not have birth certificates due to being born at home by midwife. I know this is probably alot to ask for, but I would really appreciate any help you could offer. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank You,
    Wesley King
    P.S. Also, if you notice, my last name is “King” so that makes the story between Mr. Lambert and Mr. King even more interesting to me.

  7. My 4th great grandfather was Parrish Thompson (1764-1850) who was born in Virginia and came into the Pike County Mississippi area around 1815. He was married to Minna Swann Thompson and among their children was my 3rd great grandfather, William Thompson. William Thompson’s son, Hugh Burton Thompson (1842 – 1905), was my great great grandfather. During the War of Northern Aggression Hugh Thompson and his brother William served with the 22nd Mississippi Infantry Regiment. He was purportedly severely wounded in the leg during Second Battle of Corinth and returned to Monticello, Mississippi. He married Jane Beard (or Bearden) and the two had two sons, Linus Johnson Thompson (1866 – 1958) and William Thompson. Jane Thompson died in 1868. Hugh Thompson then married Mary Ann Henderson in 1869 and a year later, moved to the Rapides Parish area of Louisiana. Linus Johnson Thompson or L. J. Thompson was a long time justice of the peace in Vernon Parish and was married to Melissa Bond, great great granddaughter of Col. John Bond of Mississippi. John Henry Thompson, their son and my grandfather, was a conductor on the KCS railroad line until his death in 1957. John Henry married his cousin, Flora Evelyn Bond, and their son, my father, was Arlin Thompson. I am looking for any information concerning the Thompson’s of Pike and Lawrence County, Mississippi.

  8. Hello
    I am looking for any information on the Chancellor family in Lawrence County MS, looks like there was a name change somewhere down the years and I am trying to find it.

  9. I am from Barbados. I had my DNA tested a few months ago and was searching to find out how I got my surname. A few days ago Ancestry.com dumped some persons with whom I share DNA from 5 to 8 Generations ago. I was looking through this list when I found 2 persons with the last name Cole. I contacted them both but only one responded and she said that her father to great great grandfather were from Mississippi. It has led me to conclude that a slave whom I am related to was shipped from Barbados and somehow ended up in Mississippi. She has not provided any additional information so far but I wanted to jump ahead and see what I can find. I have been able to trace someone in Barbados who was a slave as far back as 1785. How can I go about this research?

  10. Looking for 1860 census records for Meadville, Franklin Mississippi. Didn’t see this County listed, is it within another record?

  11. I am looking for information on the gunnell family. My grandmother was Gertrude Lucy gunnell
    Any information,.. birth certificate..more information on the gunnell house would be greatly appreciated

  12. I am the great, great grandson of the Rev Ambrose Henderson of Chickasaw County. He was a Mississipi State legislator in about 1871. He was also the slave of Col w, G. Henderson.
    I need as much information as you can find about Rev Henderson. A photo or drawing would be nice also.

    God bless ,
    Carl Chamberlain

  13. I grew up in Center Community and went to Antioch Baptist Church, Lawrence County, Mississippi. I am trying to update the cemetery grave list, since it has not been done since August 1988. A lot of graves have been added since then. On January 23, 2015 Eddie Jones recorded the 1976 and August 1988 grave list at Mississippi Genealogy. Once I get the updated information, I would like to have all the graves included in the Mississippi Genealogy database but I do not know how or who to contact. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  14. Hello! I am looking for yearbooks from past decades regarding, O’Bannon High school in Greenville, MS. I have tried to contact the school, the local library, and the local history museum. None of which have records of past yearbooks. Are there any more sources–even online–that may have older yearbooks available? Specifically, from the year 1973 or close to. Any information pertaining to this matter would be useful and greatly appreciated!

  15. Hello,

    My grandmother, Amy Rebecca Milligan, was born in Shannon in 1905, and I would like to know if there are any historical accounts of Shannon back then,
    And, although it’s not my main goal, is there a way to find any birth records of her?

    Kind regards, Jon


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