1541 Alabamo Battle

De Soto and his Spaniards left Chicacilla (q. v.), in Pontotoc county, April 26th, 1541, and took up his march in search of the wealthy province of his dreams. On Thursday they came to a savanna and found their way barred by a force of Indians under the command of Alabamo, or Alimamu, or Limamu, who had constructed a very strong fort of palisades, which was located on the bank of a small river, near a ford. The Spaniards stormed and carried this fort at the cost of seven or eight lives, and twenty-five or six wounded, and the Indians were driven across the river. This fort and ford are believed to have been on the Tallahatchie river, possibly in the neighborhood of New Albany, in Union county.

According to Prof. T. H. Lewis, the word “Alibamo” was the name of a chief and a town (known otherwise as Taliepatica) located one day’s journey north of Chicacilla. There is no connection with the tribe of the same name, located on the upper waters of the Alabama river.

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Source: Encyclopedia of Mississippi History, by Dunbar Rowland.

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