1850 Lawrence County, Mississippi Census

Finally I found some time this weekend to place online the 1850 census for Lawrence County, Mississippi. This census provides information on residents of Lawrence County, Mississippi during 1850. The 1850 census was the first census to provide names of all members of the household, prior to this census, only the heads of the household was enumerated. Blacks, nor Indians are mentioned, unless they were “free.”

[cdbt-view table=”14GOD_1850_Lawrence_County_census” csid=”1″]

Here’s some interesting facts about Lawrence County that I’ve gleamed from this census:

503,718 – value of real estate
82,000 – value of real estate for the richest man
3545 people.
2603 people were born in Mississippi.
1896 males.
1649 females.
613 families.
235 people were born in South Carolina.
228 people were born in North Carolina.
222 people were born in Georgia.
47 people were born in Louisiana.
41 people were born in Tennessee.
28 people born in Alabama.
20 people were born in Kentucky and Virginia.
10 people were born in the country of Germany.
9 people were born in the country of Ireland.
9 people were born in New York.
8 people were born in New Jersey.
6 people were born in the country of England.
5 people were born in Pennsylvania.
4 people were born in the countries of France and Poland.
4 people were born in Massachusetts.
3 people were born in Maine, Maryland, Ohio, and Vermont.
2 children who claim to be the youngest, both 10 days old.
2 people were born in Illinois.
1 empty line on page 425 at the bottom of the page.
1 person was born in each of the following countries: Canada, Holland, Scotland, and Wales.
1 person was born in each of the following states: Connecticut, Florida, and Indiana.


1 thought on “1850 Lawrence County, Mississippi Census”

  1. Many thanks for creating and maintaining this (free!) website.

    Much appreciate your posting the 1850 census. How do I reorder the columns so I can alphabetize by last name, i.e., see a list of everyone who shares the same last name?

    And can you tell me where to find a map showing the boundaries of the Lawrence County census districts (‘Beats’)?


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