Lawrence County, Mississippi Genealogy

Welcome to Lawrence County, Mississippi Genealogy!

Home of Edward "Mutt" Branton
The photo used on this page is of a home built by Mr. Edward “Mutt” Branton. Apparently, Mr. Branton, as a young single man, built this house for a personal residence, likely in the 1940s, but unsure. The property is now thought to be owned by Mr. Gene Dawsey. I think Mr. Branton did eventually marry, and abandoned the place and moved to Columbia. Information supplied to Don Norris by Chris at the Marion County Historical Society.

My name is Dennis Partridge and welcome to Mississippi Genealogy. If you have any information that you would like to contribute to our site such as family Bible records, cemetery records, land records, deeds, wills, marriages, obituaries, old newspaper articles, etc. please send them to me and I will get them online.

Lawrence County was established December 22nd, 1814, carved out of the county of Marion that was created three years prior to that time. The county was named in memory of Captain Jas. Lawrence, who commanded the ship Chesapeake in that struggle, and whose last words, when mortally wounded, were “don’t give up the ship!”

The goal of this website is to freely provide you with as much genealogical and historical information concerning Lawrence County, Mississippi as is practical. Since I do not reside in the county, I cannot provide onsite genealogical assistance, but can provide guidance and online assistance to your genealogical research. If you don’t ask a question then I definitely cannot help you… so please ask!

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What’s New:

Smith Cemetery
Gary Ward Nelson has contributed a pdf file on the Smith Cemetery of Lawrence County. Included with this pdf file are actual images of the tombstones. The Smith Cemetery is located on Hoover Hammond Road in Lawrence County, Mississippi, at Latitude 31.462653, Longitude -90.183806. The cemetery name originated from the Smith family, who were the original land owners. The property was held by this family for most of 70 years.

Various Records
Various records on the Cole and Denson families of Lawrence County, Mississippi were submitted by Jeanne Hicks and now appear: Death certificate transcription’s of Robert A. Cole, Ruth Denson, and James J. Denson; as well as a transcription of the confederate payroll records of James Jordan Denson.

Please help build this site by sending me your submissions!
The success of this web site is greatly dependent on the contributions of those who are interested in advancing Lawrence Co. MS genealogy research.  As you explore this web site, you will see several sections that have very little information

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