Smith Cemetery, Lawrence County, Mississippi

Located: New Hebron, Lawrence County

The Smith Cemetery is located on Hoover Hammond Road in Lawrence County, Mississippi, at Latitude 31.462653, Longitude -90.183806. The cemetery name originated from the Smith family, who were the original land owners. The property was held by this family for most of 70 years.

The cemetery sits on property which was originally part of the United States Government Lands in Lawrence County, Mississippi. The United States of America deeded the property to Abraham Perkins on December 13, 1819, through a land patent. Mr. Perkins was the father-in-law of Isaiah Smith, Sr.

Property was transferred from Mr. Perkins to Isaiah Smith, Sr., and then to other members of the Smith family,
including Sally (Isaiah Sr.’s wife), Isaiah Jr., Pleasant M., Henrietta Summers (daughter of Isaiah; wife of Gwinn
Summers), and H. H. Smith. During this time, property was also transferred to Z. P. Jones.

H. H. Smith transferred property to S. B. Garner for $840 on January 26, 1887.

S. B. Garner transferred property containing 240 acres, more or less, to William Carroll Nelson for $750 on January 7, 1893. Much of this property remains in the hands of William Carroll Nelson’s descendants.

Members of each of these families were laid to rest in the Smith Cemetery.

For a complete listing of internments in Smith Cemetery, along with images of all remaining headstones, please download the pdf file contributed by Gary Ward Nelson. Much thanks Gary for taking the time to do this for others!!!

Smith Cemetery – 4 meg pdf




5 thoughts on “Smith Cemetery, Lawrence County, Mississippi”

    • Ricky,

      I am also looking for Ward’s in Lawrence County MS. My gg/grandfather Mack Ward married Martha M. Dyess 1862 Covington County MS 1862. Mack was said to have been from Lawrence County, MS. Martha’s grandparents were James King and Susan Lewis King of Lawrence County that migrated from NC. Mack believed to be M.W. Ward that was KIA at battle of Chickamagua, TN 20 Sep 1862…after Mack killed Martha married Jacob McPhail, Jacob and Martha are buried at Jacob McPhail Cemetery Jeff Davis County MS as is my grandfather Wm Oscar Ward.

      Wouldl appreciate any information you might have on the Ward’s that might be of assistance.

      • Newitt Ward, Jr. and William Ward (birth unknown) both show on the Lawrence Co. Census 1820. An Allen Adams Ward Married Amanda Lewis and had Sarah Malissa Ward (my grandmother). They moved to Simpson County at some point as did the Dears who lived in Lawrence Co. She married Jessie Milton Dear at some point though when is unclear.
        Hope this helps.


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