Bethany Baptist Church

Sandy Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi

Contributed  byPaula

Bethany Baptist Church
Organized by William E. Stamps
June 3, 1819

At White Sandy Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi

Contents Monthly Conference Proceedings Bethany Church Cemetery Records


William Stamps
b-ca. 1772 in either Henry or Pittsylvania Co., VA.  married Frances (known as Frankey) ca. 1790 VA.  She was b-ca. 1798 VA.

On May 25, 1825
he bought 160 acres on White Sand Creek in Lawrence Co., MS, at $2.00 an acre.  On this tract, described as N. E. 1Ú4 Section 22, T7N, R19W, he built his home.

On February 4, 1837
he bought 80 acres at $1.25 an acre described as N. W. 1Ú2 SE 1Ú4 Section 22, T7N, R19W

He settled in Lawrence Co., MS between 1817 and 1820.

He and his wife were members of the Silver Creek Baptist Church.  It was the first Baptist Church organized in Mississippi.  It was near Salem Baptist Church and was located on Coles Creek near Natchez.

William and Frankey Stamps transferred their membership to the Bethany Baptist Church.

Originally the members net under a large oak tree near White Sandy Creek, on property which he owned.  The Church still stands on highway No. 13 near the Junction of the old St. Stephens Road between St. Stephens, AL and Natchez.

The following letter from Silver Creek at Zore, later Bethany:
Greetings:   We received your petition which meets our hearty approbation.  We have dismissed the following.    Williams Stamps and Frances StampsÓ

The church building contract was signed on April of 1823 and William Stamps contracted to do certain work on the church building.  He donated the land.

In August of 1845
either he or his son (William Stamps) received ten dollars to build a new pulpit.

On July 19, 1851
his son (William Stamps) put on a new roof.

William Stamps died in the fall of 1854 and his will proved November 28, 1854 in OrphanÕs Court, Lawrence Co.

A granddaughter of William Stamps (Sidonia Athelia/Kathryn Stamps) made several of the notes which appear in the records of Bethany Baptist Church. Towards the back of the church records are several pages of names, which she apparently copied from the records.

These church records contain many death records, usually giving only the month and the year.

There are no marriage records, though the names of married couples are frequently given.

There are no birth records, or records of baptisms.




The church met at Whitesand, an arm of Silver Creek Church, which arm is called by the name of zone and said church, agree when ever they want discipline to call for the Word of God, which we take for our guide.
Wm. Nall, Clerk

Saturday  preceeding the first LordÕs Day in May 1819 the arm on Whitesand a part of the body of Silver Creek Church, east of Pearl
River convened for the purpose of holding conference to receive members by experience, letter, recantatis or excluding of disorderly members.

Conference opened by Brother Martin and Brother Joseph Parkman.

Sister Susannah Parkman was received by letter in full fellowship with us

also Brother Joseph Ford and wife was received by letter in full fellowship with us

also Brother and Sister Joshua and Lavina Stockdale received by letter in full fellowship with us

also Sister Nancy Mullens was received by letter in full fellowship with us

also Brother and Sister William Martin and wife was received by letter in full fellowship with us.




Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November, 1832
After a sermon by Brother Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd. Moved and carried that we rpceed to the choice of a preacher to supply us in the ministery for the next ensuing year and
Brother John P. Martin was unanimously chosen, but declined for the  present to give an answer.

3rd. Took up the reference of our last conference with regard to calling Brother Robertson, Junior to ordaination and unanimously that they  believed him to be a proper and qualified subject for the same, and to  wait till our next conference to consult his own mind and the mind of  the Lord on the subject.

4th. Resolved to comply with the recommendation of the Association to observe next Fryday as a day of fasting and prayer for the object of  the named by the Association.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December, 1832.
Met in Conference, and after sermons by Brethren Martin and Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members, no applicants.

2nd. Resolved to take up the reference of the last conference in the order they stand;  and Brother Martin, in answer to the call of the Church agreed to  attend and minister to us so far as his conveniences will permit,  without too great a sacrifice of interest and ease.

Took up the reference with regard to ordaining Brother Robertson,  Junior and upon his yielding submission to the authority of the Church,  resolved to call Brethren J. P. Martin, Davis Collins, Norvel  Robertson, Senior and Francis Walker to form a presbytery for the  purpose of ordaining Brother Norvel Robertson Junior and  appointed Brethren Geroge Granberry, Wylie White and Ralph Simmons to  visit them and bear a letter, each of them and solicit their  attendance, for the purpose, also resolved that our next meeting in  course be the time set apart for that object and the meeting to  commence on Fryday and that Fryday be a day of fasting and prayer, as  the scriptures require on such an occasion.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1833
Met in Conference, and after a sermon by Brother Davis Collins, opened a door for the reception of members; no applicants.

2nd Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr.,
was examined by the Presbytery of ordination and was by them approved.

3rd. Ordered that the clerk be authorized on application of  Brother Norvel Robertson,  to give him a letter of dismission, expressive of his office, as an ordained minister of the gospel.

Resolved that we adjourn to half-past eleven tomorrow.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January, 1833
Met on Saturday pursuant to adjournment and after a sermon by Brother Davis Collins, appropriate to the occasion,

Brother Norvel Robertson, jr., was ordained and set apart to the  ministery of the gospel of Christ, by laying on the hands of Brethren  Davis Collins, Francis Walker and John P. Martin with the usual  ceremonies and charge and conference received the following credential  or commission as an evidence of his function.


To the Faithful in Christ Jesus, and all people of whom these present shall come.

Know Ye, that our well beloved and worthy Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior, the bearer, of these presents has been regularly called, examined, approved, ordained and set apart by the laying on the hands of the undersigned Presbytery, to the ministery of the Gospel of our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in presence of the Church and with her full approbation and consent.

In consideration of which, we declare him fully authorized to minister and administer the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in all places and to all people, wheresover God in His Providence may cast his lot.  And we do commend him to God and to the Confidence of the whole Christian Church and friendly regard of all people,

Given under our hands this 20th. Day of January, 1833
at the request of the Bethany Baptist Church in the county and state aforesaid.

Davis Collins, Francis Walker, John P. Martin.

A door was opened for the reception of members.
William Sterling  was received by experience and was accordingly Baptised on Sunday

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1833.
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd Unanimously resolved to invite the Mississippi Baptist Evangelistic Society to hold their next meeting at this meeting house and that  Brother J. P. Martin be required to bear the invitation.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1833.
Met in Conference and after sermons, opened a door for the reception of members.

Brother Richard Bullock and his wife, Eliza Bullock  was received by letter.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1833.
Met in Conference, and after sermons, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Applicantion was made for a letter of dismission for  Sister Sally Mullens and was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1833.
Met in Conference and after sermons, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applications.

Resolved that the clerk be ordered to furnish ink and paper in his absence.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1833.
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took under consideration the disorderly conduct of the black people who attend at this meeting house and  appointed Brethren James Baggott, Geroge Granberry and Needham Blount,  a committee of ways and means with instructions to draft a plan of  operation
for the preservation of good order among them.

Agreed unanimously to petition our Association to hold their next  session at our meeting house.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1833.
Met in Conference and after sermons by Brethren Robertson and Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1833. – cont
Received by letter Brother Mastin Parkman and his wife Elizabeth  Parkman.

Saturday before the 3rd LordÕs Day in September 1833
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Pittman, a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

The committee of ways and means reported that in consequence or sickness they had failed to prepare their draft and the reference was continued.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1833.
Met in Conference and after sermons by Brethren Martin and Magee, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

The committee of ways and means reported the following draft as a plan  of operating for the preservaton of order among the blacks, which was  received and adopted.

We, the committee, appointed by Bethany Church to draft a plan to rule the
colored people that when worship commences, it shall be their duty to take
their seats in the place provided for them and keep the same during worship
without a lawful excuse.

2nd. When worship is done they are to abscond themselves from the meeting

3rd. If the said colored people do not comply with the above rules, we
request that the pateroles to take notice of them and take them and  chastise
them according to law.

4th. If the aforesaid Church thinks proper at any time, she can appoint a
committee to apply to the captain of the trust for a commission for the
purpose of patteroling the colored people at said meeting house.

James Baggott,
Clk, Pro Tem.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1833
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Proceeded to the choice of a preacher to supply us for the ensuing  years and  Brother J. P. Martin was chose, but deferred to give a postive answer till next meeting.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1833
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1833 – cont

Brother Martin answered the call of the Church, viz:  that seeing the Lord did not prosper his labors, he could not consent  to
supply any longer until we should make an effort to obtain a supply elsewhere.

Where upon it was resolved to proceed for the choice of other preacher  to supply us for the here year and Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., was unanimously chosen, whereupon, it was further resolved that he be  called to the pastoral office and in case he will not accept of it,  then that he supply us for one year.

On application, a letter of dismission was granted to  Sister Pernine Bishop.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1834
Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception members, No applicants.

On application, letters of dismission were granted to  Brother William Bishop and his wife, Sarah Bishop.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1834
Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

On application, it was ordered that letters of dismission be given to Richard Sims and his wife, Elsey Sims and Sister Johnson.

Ordered that Brother Edmond Low  be discharged from the service of keeping the key of the meeting house  and opening and closing the doors and conference, and Brother Joseph  Parkman be appointed to the performance of said service.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1834
Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Robertson a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1834
Met in conference and after a sermons by Brethren Martin and Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  None.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1834
Met in conference and after a sermon, a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

A sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1834
Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1834
Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., opened a door for the reception of members.  None.

Received a letter from our Sister Church at Hebron inviting the concurrences and cooperation of her Sister Churches in the observance  of next Fryday as a day of fasting and prayer for a revival of  religion.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1834
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience  Rebecca White.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1834.
Met in Conference.  After sermons by Brethren Murry and Martin, opened a door for the reception of members, No applicants.

Took under consideration the subject of the non-attendance of our  members, with regards to taking measure to promote reform.

Agree to discontinue our monthly prayer meeting.

Agreed to petition the Pearl River Association to hold their next  session at our meeting house.

Resolved that the time of our November meeting be changed from August  to November.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1834.
Met in Conference.  After sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took up the reference from last conference on the subject of reform in  non attendance of our members.

Whereupon it was resolved that if any member shall absent himself from  as many as two conference meeting, he may be reported to the Church by  any member aggrieved and be cited to the next conference thereafter by  one or more persons appointed by the Church to make satisfaction for  his default.

Appointed Brother Edmond Low  to raise tunes and lead in music in singing and the praises of God in  this Church.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in Sep 1834.
Met in Conference.  After sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience Rebecca White.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1834.
Met in Conference.  After sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received Miss Eliza Deed  by experience.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1834.
Met in Conference.  After sermon by Brother J. P. Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Proceeded to the choice of a minister to supply us for the next ensuing year in administration of the word and ordinances, and
Brother Robertson was unanimously chosen.

The clerk was ordered to prepare a letter expressive of the choice of Brother James Baggott and Bazel Smith was apponted to bear and present  the same.

Resolve that Brethren George Granberry, William Stamps, Joseph Parkman  and Wylie White be appointed to committee to visit our Sister Church at  Hebron to consult that Church as to the propriety, expediency,  necessity and practicability of uniting with us in an effort to settle  Brother Robertson, Jr., permanently among us by releasing him from  secular employment; that his whole time be devoted to the ministry and  that the clerk prepare a letter expressive of this resolution.

Sister Charley Lowe, deceased, since last meeting.  She was a faithful and devoted member of the Christian religion.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1834
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Brother N. Robertson,  in answer to the call of the Church consented to supply the Church according to the call.

Appointed Brethren Joseph Parkman and Wylie White and committee to co:operate with committee from Hebron Church and to communicate to  Brother N. Robertson, the resolutions and arrangement of the two  Churches.

Letters of dismission were granted to  Brother Levi Noble and Sister Jane Noble, his wife.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1835
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Pittman and Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Sister Jane Posey.

Granted a letter of dismission to  Brother Edmond Lowe.

Resolved to invite our preaching Brethren to hold a protracted meeting  at our meeting house, to commence on Fryday before the 3rd. Sunday in  May next.

Granted letters of dismission to  Brethren James Carlisle and Sister Mary Carlisle, his wife.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1835
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother N. Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1835
Protracted meeting met in conference.  After sermons by Brethren Norvel Robertson and Collins, opened a door for the reception of member.  No applicants.

Took up the subject of choosing some person to lead the music to fill  the vacancy of Brother Edmond Lowe and postponed the choice till  tomorrow.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1835
Met in Conference according to adjournment and after sermons by Brethren Pittman, Granberry, Collins and Martin,
opened the door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took up the reference of yesterday and Brother Geroge Granberry was  chosen to lead the music in singing the praises of God in this Church.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1835
Met in Conference.  After sermons by Brethren Abner Belcher and Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience,
Sister Mary Martin, the wife of Francis Martin,
Sister Miranda Hooker, wife of Himbrick Hooker,
Sister Mary Granberry, wife of Moses Granberry,
Nancy Mikell, wife of James Mikell and
Sister Jane Hooker and Himbrick Hooker.

Received by the hand
Brother Robertson as a donation from the Baptist General Tract Society,  a bundle of tracts and religious pamphlets.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1835
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Brethren Joel Bullock and James Baggott and in case of failure, George Granberry were chosen deligates to the Association.

Appointed Brother William Stamps  as depository and distributor of the tracts and pamphlets, belonging to this Church so far as may be practicable.

Resolved that we, the Baptist Church at Bethany acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of a Bundle of Tracts and religious pamphlets by the hand of Brother Robertson as a donation from the Baptist General Tract Society and this Church heartily approve of the benevolent object of said society.  And resolve further that this Church, for the furtherance of said object donate the sum of five dollars to said society, and that Brother Robertson be requested to act as an agent to forward the same.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1835
Met in Conference.  After sermons by Brethren Marin and Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience  Brother David Eskin.

Read and adopted the Church’s letter to the Association.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1835
Met in Conference.  After sermons by Brethren Robertson and L. D. Worthington, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter  Sister Mary Eakin, wife of David Eakin.

Resolved that the next regular meeting of this Church be postponed till Thursday before the fourth Sunday in the Month.

Thursday before the 4th Sunday in October 1835.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Brother Levi Noble  returned his letter of dismission for himself and his wife, without  having joined any other Church.

Received Brother Granberry’s resignation of the office of deacon of  this Church,  and resolved to make choice of some person to fill the vacancy at our  next conference, invited Brother Joel Bullock to supply the place till  a choice is made,  and at the same time choose some person to succeed Brother Granberry in leading the music.

Fourth Sunday in October 1835
Met in Conference.  After sermons by Brethren Murry, Pittman, and Martin, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience,  Brother Moses Granberry.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1835
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Magee, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took up the reference for the choice of a deacon, which was postponed  till tomorrow,  and also, that of choosing a leader in musick.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1835.
Met in Conference.  After sermons by Brethren Robertson and Magee, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd. Proceeded to the choice of a deacon to supply the place of Brother George Granberry,  and Brother Joel Bullock was chosen.

3rd Proceede to the choice of a minister to supply us with the administration of the word and ordinances, and also, for a leader and  lead
the music.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December, 1835.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

On application  by Brother George Granberry for letters of dissission for himself, and wife; it was ordered that same be granted.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January, 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Application was made by Brother Granberry  for letters of dismission for Brother David Eakin and his wife, which  was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April, 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May, 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May, 1836. – cont

Received by letter  Brother John M. Brown and his wife, Sister Elizabeth Brown.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June, 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, came into the Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother Daniel H. Ellington,  also Brother David, a black man, belonging to Mr. James Posey.

The subject of the Baptist State Convention referred to the Churches by the Association was taken up and postponed till next conference.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July, 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Mr. Perrin, opened door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Brother James Baggott came forward to the Church and acknowledged that  he had been overtaken in the sin of drunkness and other improper and un-Christian like conduct, consequent thereon, and gave satisfactory evidence of contrition and repentance and fellowship was perpetuated.

Took up the reference from last meeting on the subject of a Baptist State Convention, by the Association and agreed that this Church notify the Association on that, they wish the Association exercise her own discretion on the subject and act accordingly, this Church, in the meantime, reserves the right of judgeing for herself of said convention, after it is formed and if extending or with holding her approbation and support.

Proceeded to the choice of delegates to the Association in the usual  way.  Brethren Levi Noble and Joel Bullock was chose, and in case of failure, Needham Blount and Moses Granberry, their respective alternate, in  order of their names.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1836
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, came into the conference and opened a door for the reception of members.
No applicants.

Took under consideration a report which says that  Brother James Baggott has again drank too much and which was postponed  till
next conference.

Appointed Brethren Moses Granberry and Wylie White to visit and labor  with him, between now and next meeting, and urge him to come to the  Church.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1836
Met in Conference, and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took the reference with regards to Brother James Baggott,  whereupon he was excommunicated, for and account of drunkness.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother John S. Sheperd.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1836.
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

The following members applied for a letter of dismission:
Bazel Smith and wife,
Moses Granberry and wife,
Ralph Simmons and wife,
all of which was granted.

Brethren Ellington and Sheperd were appointed leaders of musick.

Took under consideration, the choice of supply in the ministery for  next year, which was deferred till tomorrow.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1836
After a sermon by Brother Robertson, the Church went into conference, a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Proceeded to the choice of a supply in the ministery and  Brother Norvel Robertson was unanimously chosen.

Sister Anna Stucky  applied for a letter of dismission, which was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1836
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Magee, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

On application, letters of dismission was granted for  Sister Jelsey Posey  and Brother Dave, a servant,  her husband.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson,  opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1837 – cont

Received by letter,  Brother Britton Bridges and his wife, Sister Lydia Bridges.

Application begin made by our Sister Church at Silver Creek for help,  in a case dealing; there were appointed Brethren Joel Bullock, Britton Bridges, William Stamps, Mastin Parkman and Reuben White to attend as suc.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Martin,  opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter  Brother Edmond Lowe.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother Dave, a black man, belonging to Sister Hooker.

Ordered that the key of the meeting house and the charge there be transferred from Brother Parkman to Brother Bridges.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Pittman, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took under consideration the subject of repairing the meeting house and agreed that the house be recovered with shingles.

Appointed a committee, consisting of Brethren Stamps, Bridges and Joel Bullock, to examine the condition of  the
meeting house and report at next meeting what repairs is necessary  to be made and plan of operation, whereby my be effected.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1837
Met in Conference opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter  Brother Thomas Sheperd.

The committee appointed to examine the meeting house reported that it is necessary to put six new blocks under it, two sills across the sleepers to support them, which report was received.

Resolved that a fund be raised for the same by scription and that Wylie White be appointed to draw up, and hold a subscription for that purpose.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1837
Met in Conference by opening with singing and prayer by Brother E. Lowe.

Received by letter,  Brother Richard Sims and his wife, Elsey Sims.

Elected Brethren Joel Bullock and Wylie White delegates to the  Association and in case of failure, Williams Stamps and Britton  Bridges.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members, No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1837
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience,  Sister Elizabeth Mikell  and by letter,  Brother Calvin Smith and his wife, Beedy Smith, by experience,
and also,  Brother John Mikell by experience.

Appointed Joel Bullock, Britton Bridges, and James Mikell, Commissioners, to let out and superintend the intended repairs on the meeting house: and, resolved that if the subscription for that purpose be found insufficient, that the Church be held bound for the deficit necessary for the defraying the expanses.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother John Brown and his wife, Elizabeth Brown.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1837
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother James Murry, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

The commissioners appointed to let out and superintend the repairs of the meeting house, reported that they had done so and that the work was done, but as they conceived, not according to contract, and as such they had not received it and wished for further instructions from the Church on the subject, whereupon they were instructed to call upon workmen to examine the work and say what it was worth and that they should tender the same to the undertakers.

Resolved that we depense with Communion on the Sabbath of this meeting that the time may be occupied in other services and appointed Brother Robertson to conduct the services of the meeting.

Monday after the 3rd Sunday in November 1837.

Opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience,  Sister Rachel Sheperd and Brother Thomas P. Harvey.

Wednesday after the 3rd Sunday in November 1837
On Wednesday opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience,  Brother Willis Briant.

Agreed to invite Brother Murry  to attend our next meeting and  requested Brother S. Herrin to solicit his attendance on behalf of the

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1837
Met in Conference, opened a door for the reception of members. No applicants.

Made choice of Brother Norvel Robertson as our supply in the ministery for the next year.

The commissioners of repairs on the meeting house, pursuant to previous instructions, presented the following certificate ÒThis is to certify to the committee of the Church of Bethany that the undersigned selectmen (chosen) by such a committee do agree that the value of the work done on said Church by the seventy-two dollars, thirty-three and one-third cents.
John Carroll, Jun. Tyrone, Julius C. Newton

Ordered by the Church that the overplus of the subscription for the meeting house, after paying for the same, be paid over into the Church fund and appropriated to the use of our supply in the ministery.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1838
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Sister Ada Bullock and  by experience,  Sister Fanny Harvey and Sister Martha Parkman.

3rd Sunday in January 1838

Opened a door  and received by experience,  Brother Samuel Bullock and Sister Minerva Walker.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1838
Met in Conference, opened a door for the reception of members. No applicants.

Appointed next Fryday to stop under the meeting house and clean it.

Granted a letter of dismission to Sister Mary Martin.

Ordered the commissioners of repair on the meeting house be instructed to tender to the undertakers, eight dollars for their labour, by the way of  compromise, and if they will not accept of that, to suffer a suit by law.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1838.
Met in Conference and a door was opened for the reception of members.

Sister Parthena Nall  presented herself as a member having no letter, having been a member, formerly of Bozes Creek Church, which is now, Faiti Church, in order to obtain a latter of dismission for her.

Received by letter  Brother Stephen Herrin  and granted a letter of dismission to  Brother Thomas Sheperd.

Deceased between February and March meetings, 1838, Brother Richard Bullock and between March and April meetings, 1838,
Sister Ada Bullock and Eliza Bullock  and Sister Ara, a black woman, belonging to E. W. Calhoun.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1838
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Taylor, opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Appointed Brethren Joel Bullock, Edmond Lowe and Wylie White, a  committee of Faith, on record or not.

Took under consideration the propriety of removing the partition well between the pulpit and piazza prepared for the accommodation of the  black people  and appointed Brethren Steven Herrin, John Mikell and Britton Bridges,  a committee to examine and report what amount of labor, will be  necessary.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1838
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brethren Taylor and Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother Matthew Stevens and  Brother Joel Polk and Sister Mary Polk, his wife.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1838 – cont

The committee appointed to examine the Church record for Articles of  Faith, reported that such articles was found, which articles was read  and it was ordered that the word “unity” in the first article be erased  and the word “Trinity” inserted instead thereof:

The Committee on the alteration or repairs of the meeting house reported that they thought the members with what help they could get make the intended alteration, which was agreed to.

On information received by Brother Noble,  Sister Parthena Nall was received into fellowship of the Church without  a formal letter.

Sister Nall  was received in full fellowship.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1838
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Sister Nelly Ann Buckley.

Postponed the appointment for a time to make the alteration of the meeting house till next meeting.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1838
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother William H. Taylor as a minister of the gospel from the Baptist Church in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

Appointed next Monday two weeks to meet and make the contemplated alteration on the meeting house and appointed Brother Stamps to notify Messers.

Elisha Stamps and John Tyrone of the time and request their assistance. Appointed Brethren William H. Taylor and Wylie White and in case of failure, John Mikell and John Sheperd as deligates to the association  and send seven dollars and send forty copies of the minutes.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1838.
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Taylor, who was called to the choir as moderator, opened a door for the reception of members.  No Applicants.

Read the letter to the Association and then appointed a committee, consisting of Brethren Parkman, Stamps and Bullock, with the clerk to examine the Church book and assist the clerk in making out a correct catalogue of the names of the members, composing this Church and correct the total number, as stated in our letter to the Association.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1838. – cont

The letter was received with this exception.

Ordered that Brother Needham Blount be admonished to his duty and to  attend the conference and that Brothren Joel Polk and Wylie White be  appointed for that purpose.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1838
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience  Brother John Cole and Sister Polly Ashley by letter.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1838
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Read a communication from Brother Blount and postponed the  consideration there of till next Conference.

Order that Brother Levi Noble  be cited to attend his conference and that Brethren Joel Polk and  William L. Steeling be appointed to that service.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1838.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Brother Levi Noble reported to the citation and gave the Church satisfaction in regard to his absence.

On Motion, it was ordered the Church dispense with any further consideration of the communication from Brother Blount.

On application, a letter of dismission was granted to  Sister Jane Noble.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November, 1838
On Saturday came into Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter  Sister Rebecca Polk.

Proceeded to the choice of a preacher for the ensuing year and Brother Norvel Robertson, who consented to supply us was unanimously chosen.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1838
Met in Conference Saturday and opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1838 – cont

Received by letter,  Sister Nancy Buckley

Ordered that a letter of dismission be given  Calvin Smith.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1839
Met in Conference on Saturday and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

On Sunday went into Conference and read a letter from Brother William H. Taylor requesting a letter of dismission and
recommendation, which was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1839
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Sister Susan Brantly and Mary Polk.

Read a letter for Brother Edward Sims  and his reception was deferred till next conference.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1939.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter  Brother Edward J. Sims and Sister Margaret Sims.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1839.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Sister Permelia Bullock and  Brother Issac Polk and his wife, Sarah Polk,  which letter certified that Brother Isaac Polk was a deacon.

Took under consideration the existing difficulty between Brethren N. Blount and Levi Noble, whereupon it was moved and seconded  that Brother Levi Noble be excommunicated from membership in this  Church for prevaricating and unjustly refusing to pay Brother N.  Blount, a certain sum of money, which he owes Brother Blount, which  move was seconded and carried to effect by unanimously vote.

Ordered that a letter of dismission be granted to  Brother Samuel Bullock.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1839
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Brother George Burkett, Senior of Hepzibah Church present a grievance against Brother Edward J. Sims for having circulated a report that he, Burkett was a liar, and he, Sims, could prove it.

Whereupon it was resolved that a committee of seven members consisting  of Williams Stamps, Joel Bullock, Steven Merrin, John J. Mikell, Wylie  White, John Sheperd, and James Mikell be appointed to inquire into and  investigate the nature of the difficulty and to reconile the parties,  if practical, otherwise to make such report thereon as to the nature of  the case may seem to require.

Upon a move and seconded, it was resolved that this Church take up the difficulty between Brethren George Burkett, Senior, and Edward J. Sims  nd resolved further that the minutes be amended on record by inserting  this last resolution before that which immediately presents it on the  minute book.

(Let it suffice by the way of explanation to say that in seconding, I  did not notice this last resolution spoken of above until I had  recorded that immediately preceding of it)

Wylie White, seconder.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1839.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother Ezekiel Lofton.

The Committee appointed on the difficulty between Brother George  Burkett and Edward Sims, made a report which was received.

We, the committee, investigating the matter, do not believe that  Brother Burkett has been proven a liar, as implicated in the complaint  against Brother Burkett,  but we find it proved that a certain report which Brother Burkett  charges Brother Sims with against and with regards to Brother Sims,  having opened his store on a certain Sabbath was groundless and we,  therefore, think from thence and from the acknowledgements of Brother  Sims before the committee that the church is still justified in  containing their fellowship with
Brother Sims, which report was agreed  to.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1839
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Ordered that Brother Ezekiel Lofton  have a letter of dismission.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1839 – cont

Wylie White and John J. Mikell was chosen as delegates to the Silver C reek Association, Pike County and in case of failure, John Sheperd and  Joel Bullock, contributed seven dollars and requested 36 copies of  minutes.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August 1839
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Read and adopted the letter from the Church to the association.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1839.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No application.

Brother Britton Bridges present himself  before the conference and acknowledged that he felt convicted of an impropriety and un-Christian  like conduct in saying more then he should have said in two distinct  instances, the one with Brother Briant and the other with a young man,  not a member, in both instances gave the Church satisfaction.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1839.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter, Sister Nancy Mikell.

Received from our Sister Church at Silver Creek, a request that the  Church would send them three members as helps to their conference in  January next, and Brother Wylie White and Brother Williams Stamps and  Brother Steven Herrin was appointed to attend them as helps.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1839.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took under consideration a difficulty existing between Brother Joel  Bullock and Brother Britton Bridges,  in which Brother Bullock charged Brother Bridges with, first, an  injustice to the neighborhood, second, of contradictions, third, of  injustice to the Brethren, fourth, of departing from the truth, in  which there appeared some things uncouched, partaking of the nature of  transgressions of the cause in general, and something of the nature of  individual trespasses, and the Church resolved that so far as they of a  general nature, that Brother Bridges explanation acknowledged were  deemed satisfactory and so far as they partake of the nature of  individual trespass, it was laid over till next conference.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1840
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Sister Bridges  came forward and acknowledged that she felt convicted of impropriety in speaking before the conference and for which, she felt much concerned  for fear she had hurt Brother BullockÕs feelings, all of which, she  expressed sorrow and repentance.

Brother Bullock, then moved that the subject of this acknowledgement  should tie over the existing difficulty between Brother Britton Bridges  and him should be considered first, which latter difficulty was taken  upon application being made.

A letter of dismission was presented to  Sister Nancy Waller.

Brother Stamps presented the query Òis it consistent with gospel order  for one brother to sue another?  The consideration of which was  referred to next conference.

The difficulty between Brother Bullock and Bridges being taken up, they asked leave to retire and endeavor to settle it themselves, the  assistance of Brethren Pittman and Bass from Ebenezer being mutually  called for after a short stay, they returned and reported the  difficulty settled and the parties mutually satisfied.

The consideration of Sister Bridges  acknowledgement and Brother BullockÕs difficulty with her was again  resumed and the Church expressed herself satisfied with the  acknowledgement, so far as her impropriety partook of general trepass.  Brother Bullock and Sister Bridges then withdrew and with the same  helps and Brother Polk labored together, and returned and reported the  difficulty
settled and the parties mutually satisfied.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in February 1840
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took under consideration the query, Is it consistent with gospel order for one brother to sue another?  And the answer;
It is not consistent with the gospel for one brother to sue another without previous Christian dealings, except in case of a very extraordinary nature

Granted letter of dismission to  Brethren Needham Blount and  Joe Polk and their wives.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1840.
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1840. – cont

Received by letter,  Brother George Burkett, Junior, and his wife, Sister Permelia Ann  Burkett.

Ordered that letters of dismission be given to  Sister Mary Polk, wife of George Polk, and  to Brother Richard Sims.

April 18, 1840
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Simon Ross came forward and was received by experience,  also received Brother Simon Polk and Sister Smith by letter.

Next Brother Matthew Stevens came forward and made an acknowledgement  to the Church of being angry and was acting violently towards another  man, and was continued in the fellowship of the Church.

Brother Joel Bullock requested to be released from the deaconÕs office and was granted him.

The next conference day was nominated for the selection of another  deacon to serve in the place of Brother Bullock.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1840
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Took up the subject of choice of a deacon and Brother James Mikell was nearly unanimously chosen as deacon and the Church concluded to wait on Brother Mikell until next conference to consult his own mind and  feelings on the subject of assenting to serve.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1840.
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Brother James Mikell  stated that he was still unprepared to consent to serve the Church as a
deacon and it was concluded to still wait on Brother Mikell.

Received that this Church meet and observe Friday before the 3rd Sunday  in July as a day of fasting and prayer for the revival of religion and  to humble ourselves before God for this just judgment, on the land and  postpone our next meeting till the Fourth Sunday in next month.

Saturday before the 4th Sunday in July 1840
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

As a reference from last conference called on Brother James Mikell for an answer whether he could consent  to serve the Church as a deacon or not and it was indefinitely  postponed and agreed to let it lie on the table as unfinished business.

Made choice of Brethren Wylie White and James Mikell as delegates to  the Association and in case of failure, Isaac Polk, John J. Mikell and  John Sheperd.  Send ten dollars and send 35 copies of minutes.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1840
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Agreed to petition the Association to hold her next session with us.

Brother Reuben White,  deceased August 20, 1840

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September 1840
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience  Brother William Mikell.

Granted a letter of dismission to Sister Charity Simmons.

Received by letter, Brother Quincy Bullock.

Ordered that the clerk write to Brethren Richard Sims and Edward Simsciting them to attend and give satisfaction as reports are unfavorable  togood order.

Brother Issac Polk will act as assistant till Brother Mikell is ordained, as he submitted himself to the choice of the Church as deacon.

Called on ministering Brethren Martin Walker, Murray and Pittman to  attend the ordination of Brother James Mikell as deacon, on Friday  before the 3rd Sabbath in November 1840.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in October 1840.
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applications.

Ordered the Brethren John M. Brown, John Brown be cited to attend our conference by letters.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in October 1840. – cont

Ordered that the clerk transmit by mail a letter of citation to  Brother Daniel Ellington.

Ordered that the case of  Brother Edward Sims be postponed till next conference.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1840
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Ordered that the case of  Brother Edward Sims be postponed till tomorrow.

Having reason to believe that Brother Davy  dismissed formally from this Church, as lost his letter of dismission,  It is ordered that the clerk prepare another and transmit it to him  when convenient.

Ordered that the ordination of Brother James Mikell  be postponed till tomorrow, also, that Brother Robertson be included in  the
presbytery called to ordain said Deacon.

Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Walker, Brother James Mikell was ordained in the usual way as a Deacon of this Church.

Received by letter, Sister Elizabeth Burkett.

Proceeded to the choice of a minister to supply the Church as such for  the ensuing year, and Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior, was unanimously  chosen.

Brother John M. Brown appeared before the Church and gave satisfactory reasons for his long absence, and on application by him, a letter of dismission was granted.

The Sisters Minerva Walker, Elizabeth Walker, and Elizabeth Lofton, petition for a letter of dismission.

Took the case of Brother Edward Sims and  excluded him for his having sued some of his Brethren at law.

Brother John Brown gave the Church satisfaction, as to his absence and made application  for a letter of dismission, which was granted for himself and wife.   Both Brother Brown’s wives were dismissed.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1840
Met in Conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Restored Brother Edward Sims to fellowship and granted him a letter of dismission.

Ordered that the Constitution of this Church be read at our next meeting and thence annually.

Ordered that Brother Samuel Bullock and his wife, Permelia  have letters of dismission.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1841
Met in conference and o
pened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1841
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Sisters Minerva Walker and Elizabeth Lofton  returned their letters issued from this Church some time ago, not  having
joined any other Church.

Received by letter,  Brother Malakiah Bass, and his wife, Acady.

Granted of dismission to  Sister Susan Brantley and Rebecca Polk.

Received a communication from Society Hill Church, requesting two members as helps at their next meeting and appointed Brethren William Stamps and Wylie White,

Brother White stated to the Church that in a difficulty between himself and Brother George Burkett, he had sinned and dis-honored the name of God, by suffering his passion to be too much excited and acting in an un-Christian like matter for which he was sorry and request the Church to forgive, but, as there appeared still to exist a difficulty between him and Brother Burkett, the subject was postponed till the next Church Conference.

Ordered that Brother Burkett be cited to attend next conference, and Brother Mastion Parkman was appointed to cite him in the name of the  Church.

Received by experience  Sister Elizabeth White.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1841
Met in conference. Opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April, 1841
Met in conference. Opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter Sister Martha Smith and  Brother M. R. Leggate.

Took up the reference from February meeting, respecting the difficulty between Brethren Wylie White and George Burkett, Junior.

Brother Bullock reported the difficulty settled and the Brethren made acknowledgements to the church, which was satisfactory.

Letters of dismission was granted to   Brother Burkett and wife, Permelia Burkett

Saturday before the 4th Sunday in May 1841
Met in conference. A door was opened for the reception of members.

Received by letter, Brother Morgan Cox and Sister Rebecca Cox, his wife.

Sister Elizabeth Parkman,  deceased.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June 1841
Met in conference. Opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Resolved that we meet together at our Church on the fourth of July next to keep the day as a day of general thanksgiving, also, that the washing of feet be postponed from the regular time until the Fourth day of July.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July 1841
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Brother Jackson Bell and his wife, Sister Mary A. Bell.

Instructed the clerk to say in the letter to the Association that we wished our minutes in the usual way,

Brother Stamps requested to released from deaconÕs office, which was referred till next conference.

Joel Bullock and Wylie White and in case of failure, John J. Mikell and James Mikell was chosen as delegates to the next session of the  Association.

Received a request from Society Hill Church for helps in the restoration of some excluded members and Brethren John J. Mikell and Wylie White was appointed to attend them.

Saturday before the 3re Sunday in August 1841
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No application.

Took up Brother Stamps request to be released from the responsibility  of the service of the deacons and accordingly exonerated him from that  office and resolved to meet Thursday before the second Sunday in  September for the purpose of consulting on the choice of some person to  fill the place.

Saturday before the 3rd LordÕs Day in September 1841
Met in conference. Opened a door for the reception of members.  No application.

Proceeded to the choice of a Deacon, by private ballot, and  Brother Isaac Polk was chosen.

Upon a motion to exclude Brother Daniel H. Ellington from this Church  for his long absence, he was excommunicated.

Saturday before the 3rd LordÕs Day in October 1841
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter,  Sister Sintha Phillips.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1841
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No application.

Ordered that  Sister Ann Pearce have a letter of dismission

Friday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1841
Met in conference. Opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Resolved that we proceed to the choice of a supply (preacher) for the  next year and Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior, was unanimously chosen.

Ordered that  Brother Abram Mixon and wife, Sister Elizabeth Mixon  have letters of dismission.

Took up the subject to know whether ministers of other denominations shall be invited to preach with us and it was postponed.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1841
Met in conference and appointed Mr. W. H. Mikell, Clerk pro tem.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December 1841 – cont

Received a black man, belonging to Brother Bridges,  by the name of Benly, experience.

Also, a black woman, by the name of Amy,  belonging to Brother John J. Mikell.

Also, received by experience, a black woman, belonging to Sister Ann Hooker, by the name of Nancy.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1842
Met in conference.

Requested Brother J. S. Sheperd  to act as clerk, pro tem.

Opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Sister Martha Buckley  applied for a letter of dismission, which was granted.

Sister Ann Hooker,  decreased.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1842
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Proceeded to the choice of Clerk,  to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Brother Wylie White,  and W. H. Mikell was chosen.

From information received from Brother Strahan,  respecting Mrs. Lavina Stockstill, formerly excluded from this Church,  it was agreed that the clerk prepare a letter in the name of the  Church, stating that we know of no reason why she should remain in her  present state of exclusion and that is the Church at Bethlehem are  satisfied with her deportment, we are willing they should receive her  into their fellowship. And direct to Elder Malcolm H. Morrision.

Saturday before the 4th Sunday in February 1842
Met in conference and after a sermon by Brother Calvin Magee and Brother Norvel Robertson, opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by letter, Sister Nancy Jana Robertson.
Norvel Robertson, Jr.

W. H. Mikell, Church Clerk

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1842
After a sermon by Brother Alexander McKenzie, met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Received Brother Alexender McKenzie by letter,  into full fellowship of the Church.  An ordained minister.

Norvel Robertson, Jr. Moderator
W. H. Mikell, C. Clerk.

17th April 1842
Opened conference on Sunday, the 17th April, 1842 for the reception of members.

Received by letter Sister Albany McKenzie,  wife of Brother A. McKenzie, in full fellowship.

Norvel Robertson, Jr. Moderator
W. H. Mikell, C. Clk

Saturday before the third Sunday in May, 1842
After sermons by Brethren McKenzie and Robertson, came into conference.

Received by letter,  Sister Sarah Hargrove,

Sister Elizabeth Walker  returned her letter.

Sister Ann Pearce returned her letter.

On motion and seconded, Brother Daniel Ellington  was restored to the fellowship of the Church and dismissed by letter.

Resolved that a committee of three be appointed to examine the record of the Church Book, Brethren J. Sheperd, James Mikell and Joel Bullock was chosen for that purpose.

Saturday before the third Sunday in June, 1842
After sermons by Brethren James Scarborough and Norvel Robertson, Junr., came into conference.

The committee appointed to examine the records of the Church Book reported, which report, was agreed to.

Requested Brethren Norvel Robertson and James Mikell to assist in brining up the records of this Church which were nearly three years in arrears and that the clerk draw on the treasurer of the Church for this (the money) allowed him for extra services.

Saturday before the third Sunday in June, 1842 – cont

Moved and seconded that  Brother Quincy Bullock  be cited to the Church, relative to some reports that is in circulation against him, and Brother John Sheperd was appointed to cite him.

Agreed that the time of washing feet be altered from the third Sabbath in June to the fourth.

The Church resolved to meet on the Fourth day of July and observe the same as a day of general thanksgiving.

Ommision, this is part of the December conference, 1842, page 103 and 104.

Received by letter,  Brother Norvel Robertson.

Granted letters of dismission to  Brother Wylie White and wife, Rebecca White.

Took up the subject again to know whether Brother Brakefield  should be invited to preach in this Church or not and decided that he  be not invited to preach.

Took up the subject to know whether ministers of other denominations should be invited to preach with us or not, and postponed indefinitely.

Granted Brother Morgan Cox and his wife,  letters of dismission, also, granted Brother Jackson Bell and his wife,  letters of demission.

Bethany, 16th July, 1842
Church met pursuant to adjournment.

Brother Norvel Robertson in the chair.

Brother Stephen Herring  stated that he had been informed there were some reports in circulation charging him with intoxication, which reports, he felt bound to contradict.  Reference were called for.

Brother Quincy Bullock  appeared according to the previous request of the Church, and made some statements respecting certain unfavorable reports concerning him, which  the Church agreed to receive as satisfactory.

Received that we send eight dollars to the Association and request 40 copies of minutes.

Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., and Alexander McKenzie were chosen our delegates to the Association.

Bethany, 16th July, 1842 – cont

Received by experience  two coloured women, viz: Charlotte and Eliza,  belonging to Brother Mikell.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk,

Bethany, 20th August, 1842
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Robertson in the chair.

On motion, by Brother McKenzie, agreed to send the following query to the Association: viz: Is it right for members of the Church to permit their children, which are under their control to go to and partake of  balls.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 17th September 1842
Church met pursuant to adjourment.  Brother N. Robertson in the chair.

There being no business before the Church the conference adjourned

Bethany, 15th October 1842
Church met pursuant to adjourment.  Brother N. Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

On petition,  letters of dismission were granted to  Elder Alexander McKenzie and Sister Albany McKenzie, his wife.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 18th Nov. 1842
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

There being no business before the Church, the conference adjourned.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 19th. November 1842
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Proceeded to make a choice of a suplly for the next year and Brother Robertson was unanimously chosen.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 17th December 1842
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

On petition, letters of dismission were granted to  Brother John S. Sheperd and Sister Rachel Sheperd, his wife.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell; C. C.

Betheny, January 14th, 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Made a choice of Brother Matthew Stephens to lead in Divine worship by ballot.

There being unfavourable reports in circulation relative to Brother W illiam H. LegatesÕs Christian conduct, Brother Joel Bullock and Brother  Isaac Polk, was appointed to labor with him.

On petition, a letter of dismission was granted to  Brother Maston Parkman.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, C. C.

Bethany, 18th February 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Received by letter,  Brother John Sooper and Sister Sooper, his wife.

Brother Legate came forward and made satisfaction to the Church.

On petition, letters of dismission were granted to  Elder Norvel Robertson and Nancy Jane Robertson, his wife.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 18th March 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

There being no business the conference adjourned.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 15th April 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Received by experience,  Sister Julian Polk and  Sister Emily Harvy.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Sabbath morning, 16th April, 1843
Opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience,  Sister Jemima Sturling

Norvel Robertson, Moderator
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 17th June 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Brother Herring acknowledged to the Conference that he had gone into sin by trading on  the Sabbath day, that he had done it unthoughtly and was truly sorry  and ashamed of the act, with which acknowledgement, the Church was  entirely satisfied.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany, 15th, July 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

First, received by experience,  Sister Mariah Ross (colored).

Also, Brother Samuel Bullock, and Sister Joanna Bullock, his wife  by letter.

Third, Chose James Mikell and Simeon Hoss as delegates to the Association, and in case of failure, Isaac Polk and W. H. Mikell.  Sent eight dollars and requested forty copies of minutes.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany, 29th July 1843
Church met and Protracted meeting five days.

Received Sister Fanny White (colored).

Norvel Robertson, Jr., Moderator
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany 19th, August 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st, Received by experience,  Brother C. M. I. Stinger

2nd, Sister Vena Parkman (colored)

3rd, Sister Katharine Warner

4th, Sister Marietta Harvy

There being a difficulty between Brother Joel Bullock and Brother  Bridges, it was taken up and postponed till next conference.

Bethany, 20th. August, 1843

Received by experience,
Leroy Harvy
Mrs. Martha I. Berry
Loyd Polk
Noel Buckley
Adam Tyrone
Elizabeth Hardzog
Mary Mikell

Bethany, 21st. August 1843

Received by experience,
Aseneth Polk
Sarian Legate
Elisha Clarke
Dorothy Clarke

By letter,
John Dies
Society Stephens
Wravis Polk Carter
Sophronia Tilson
Matilda Simmons
Mary Carter
Richard Berry and
James Atwood

Bethany, 22nd August, 1843

Received by experience,
Elizar Hardzog
James F. Hardzog
Brother Eleazer Tilson
Beck Hooker (colored)
Lidia Sturling

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell Clerk

Bethany 14th September
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Morvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

References called for and taken up.

Brother Bullock  exhibited a charge against Lydia Bridges for having reported certain  things which were not true, and the matter having been investigated in  presence of Brother William Stamps and John Looper, it appeared that  the charge was established.  Whereupon, Sister Bridges was excluded  from the fellowship of the Church.

On motion and seconded, the difficulty between Joel Bullock and Britton Bridges, was postponed till next conference.

On petition, a letter of dismission was granted to  Brother James Atwood.

Sabbath, 15th, Sep. 1843

Received by experience,
Delila Tyrone (colored)
Jefferson Ross
James White
Joseph Bullock
Moses White (colored)
John Burkett
John Simmons
Jacob McPhail
Mary Ann Wylie and
Chany Parkman (colored)

17th September, 1843

By experience,  Jesse Carter,  Jackson Burkett,  Munterville Berry (colored),  Alfred Garner and  Jane Lard

Bethany, 14th October 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Received by experience,  Sister Felice Ann Cole

2nd Received by letter,  Sister Sarens Bullock

On petition, a letter of dismission was granted to  Brother Jacob McPhail

References taken up and postponed till Thursday before the Sunday in November.

John Looper,
Clerk, Pro Tem

Bethany, 16th November 1843
Met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Brother Joel Bullock charges Brother Britton Bridges:
First, with reviling his Brethren, Specification:

1st speaking evil of Sister Minerva Walker

2nd Speaking evil of Brother Lemuel Bullock

Charge:   2nd  With making false statements
Specifications 1st  Saying that Joel Bullock and his wife attended a ball which Brother Bullock denied be true.
Charge:    3rd  offering to bet.

On the matter of the first charge and specification, first the church declined taking up the charge on the ground that Brother
Bridges had made satisfaction on acknowledgement to Sister Walker and also, acknowledgement of his faults before the Church.

Charge, 1st,
specification 2nd.
The Church declined taking up the charge on the ground that Brother Bridges had made satisfaction to Brother Lemuel Bullock and that the same had been so reported to the Church.

Suspended charge second and took up charge 3rd  viz: That Brother Bridges offered to make a bet. It appeared that the bet alluded to, occurred four years ago or more, the Church declined to take it up.

Referred to charge 2nd., which was taken up.
Brother Bridges did not deny the charge, but said he had no recollection of ever having said any such a thing.  Brother Bridges further acknowledged that he is sorry he had injured the Cause and wounded his Brother’s feelings. Whereupon the Church voted that the acknowledgement ought to be satisfactory.

Brother Travis Polk stated that the charges alleged against him of being intoxicated at Camp Meeting was false.

Bethany, 17th November 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.
Brother Leroy Harvy, Clerk, Pro Tem.

Received by experience,  Brother James Buckley and his wife, Sister Elizabeth Buckley.

Brother Matthew Stephens  complained that he was wounded with certain expressions made by Brother Joel Bullock yesterday, namely that he had lost confidence in Brother Bridges and had no fellowship for him, which complaint, the Church  proceeded
to qualify said expressions and acknowledged that he had done  wrong in using such language.  Brother Bullock, also, expressed a  willingness and an intention to live on terms of love and fellowship  with Brother Bridges and the Church expressed herself satisfied.  Chose  Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior, to supply us still.

Conference adjourned.

Bethany, 18th November 1843
Church met in conference.

Received Sister Elizabeth Stuckey by experience also  Alfred Oates (colored)

N. Robertson, Jr., Moderator
W. H. Mikell, clerk

Bethany 16th December 1843
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. in the Chair.

On motion and seconded, took under consideration the changing of the time of
our yearly meeting which was postponed until next conference.

2nd  The following charge being preferred against
Sister Carnon viz:
absenting herself from the House of God and unfavorable reports
respecting her Christian conduct.
Took them under consideration and appointed Brethren E. Low and Simeon Ross
to labour with her.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 17th December 1843
After public services opened a door for the reception of members.

Received by experience, Sister Hariet Ross (colored)

Brother N. Robertson, Jr.
Moderator W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Note, no conference in January 1844

Bethany, 17th February 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. in the Chair.

1st.  Received Sister Jane Ferrell by letter

2nd.  Received Sister Nancy Bullock by letter

3rd   Received Brother John Bright by letter

4th   Received Sister Mary Oates by experience

5th   Appointed Brethren Isaac Polk and Joel Bullock to visit Sister Carnon on account of her long absence from the House of God.

Associational purposes. On motion by Brother Burkett and seconded by Brother James Mikell, resolved that we send 12 dollars for missionary purposes to be sent to the Association.

There being some objection, on motion and seconded, this subject was postponed till next conference.  July 21

Received by experience Brother Granberry Blount

2nd  Brother James Baggott gave satisfactory acknowledgement to the Church and was restored to the fellowship of the same.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany, 15th June 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

Resolved that we sent a contribution to the Baptist State Convention in the name of the Church, by Brother Robertson, our delegate.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, Sabbath, June 16, 1844

Received by experience Abby Buckley (colored)

Bethany, 17th, August 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator being absent, Brother McWilliams was called to the Chair, pro tem.

1st   On motion and seconded, resolved that we sent a contribution to the Association in the name of this Church for missionary purposes.

2nd   By request,  resolved that we send the following Brethren as helps in the adjustment of a difficulty with Society Hill Church viz: John Louper, Simeon Ross, James Mikell and Charles M. Stringer

3rd   Brother Jesse Carter applied for a letter of dismission, there being some objections,  it was not granted.

Conference adjourned
W. H. Mikell Clerk

Bethany, 14th, Sep 1844
Church met in pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator again absent, Brother Isaac Polk was called to the Chair, pro tem.

1st  By move and seconded, took under consideration the validity of the ordination of Brother Terrell.  Having been ordained by one ordained minister and one deacon, decided that we consider his ordination not a valid one.

Sister Sturling,  Deceased.

W. H. Mikell C. C.

Bethany, 19th, Oct. 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator, Brother Robertson, being absent, Brother William Williams was called to the Chair pro tem.

1st Ordered that Brother J. L. Ryan and his wife, Sister Mary Ann Ryan have letters of dismission.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 15th Nov 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator, again being absent.  Brother James Mikell was called to the Chair, pro tem.

Bethany, 15th Nov 1844 – cont

On Move and seconded resolve that we make our choice of our supply for the ensuing year, which, we went into immediately by ballot and called Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior, unanimously.

On move and seconded, resolve that we appoint two members of our body to inform Brother Robertson of the call and appointed Brethren Simeon Ross and W. H. Mikell

On move and seconded resolve that (request) we send Brethren Simeon Ross, James Mikell, and W. H. Mikell as helps in settling a difficulty with Ellisville Church on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in December next.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany, 16th, November 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior, in the Chair.

Ordered that Sister Mary Stringer have a letter of dismission.

2nd   Ordered that  Brother Richard Berry, his wife and servant, Munterville  have letters of dismission.

Brother Clark returned his letter of dismission which had been previously granted.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 14th December 1844
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. in the Chair.

1st   Received by letter,  Brother William Polk and his wife, Sister Winney Polk

2nd   Ordered that Brother Jefferson Ross have a letter of dismission

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 18th January 1845
Church met in pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator being absent, Brother James Mikell was called to the Chair, pro tem.

1st  Moved and seconded that we take up a report preferred against Brother Baggott for drinking too much.

Bethany, 18th January 1845 – cont

2nd.  Moved and seconded that we appoint two Brethren to labour with Brother Baggott and cite him to our next conference and appointed Brethren George Burkett and Matthew Stephens to labour with Brother Baggott.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany, 15th February 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st  Brother Baggott attended conference, made satisfactory acknowledgements to the Church and was restored to the fellowship
of the same.

2nd  Brother Ross,  preferred a charge of adultery against Sister Hariet Ross (colored), upon which she was excluded from the fellowship of the Church

3rd  Brother Sanford acknowledged to the conference that he had drank too much spirits and was truly sorry for going into a gross transgression, which acknowledgement the Church received and, again he had hurt some of the BrethrenÕs feelings by taking an active part in a wedding and  was truly sorry to have done so and was forgiven.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany, 15th March 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator being absent, Brother James Mikell was called to the Chair, pro tem.

1st  Brother Bright acknowledged to the conference that he had drank too much spirits and was sorry for going into so gross a sin, which acknowledgement, the church received.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk


No conference in April 1845, owing to bad weather

Bethany, 17th, May 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st Received by letter,  Sister Martha Robison

Bethany, 17th, May 1845 – cont

2nd  There was a charge preferred against Brother Alfred Garner for drinking too much spirits and using bad language which was
taken up and postponed until next conference

3rd  By request, resolve that we sent three of our body as helps in the adjustment of a difficulty with Society Hill Church and appointed
;Brethren Charles Moore, Stringer, Matthew Stephens and Malachi Bass as helps.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, clerk.

Bethany, 14th June 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. in the Chair.

1st  The case of Brother Alfred Garner was taken up and postponed till next conference

2nd  Received by experience,  Brother Davy Mikell (colored)

There being no other business, conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 15th June 1845
Met in conference and opened a door for the reception of members.

Sister Parkman by experience

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 19th July 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. in the Chair.

1st  Received by letter,  Sister Allis Hedgepeth

2nd  Took up the case of Brother Garner and upon his acknowledgement, was forgiven.

Made choice of Brethren Simeon Bass and W. H. Mikell as our delegates to our Association and Brethren James Mikell and George Burkett in case of failure.

4th  Brother John Simmons acknowledged to the conference that he had drank too much spirits and was sorry for going into so gross a sin, upon which acknowledged the Church forgave him.

Bethany, 19th July 1845 – cont

5th On move and seconded, resolve that we send up twelve dollars to our Association for Associational purposes and request seventy copies of minutes.

6th Resolved that we meet on Monday before our next meeting, for the purpose of altering our pulpit and other necessary repairs.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 16th August  1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st  Brother Isaac Polk preferred a charge against Brother Joseph Parkman for calling on Brethren to sing a carnal song in public and acting to the dishonor of the cause of Christ and upon move and second, was taken up and postponed until next conference.
Appointed three Brethren to labour with them, viz:  Williams Stamps, Joel Bullock, and Simeon Ross.

2nd Called for the reading of the Association letter, which was read and

3rd. Resolved that we pay ten dollars to William Stamps as a compensation for
building our pulpit.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany 20th September 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Our Moderator being absent, Brother James Mikell was called to the Chair, pro tem.

1st Took up unfinished business and called for the report of the committee appointed to labour with the Brethren who reported the difficulty settled.

2nd  Ordered that Brother Darel Sanford have a letter of dismission.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 18th October 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in a Chair

1st  Brother Isaac Polk preferred a complaint against Brother Joseph Parkman for bringing a charge against him before the Church
publicly and without private dealings.  Brother Parkman acknowledged that he had done so, though he had done it ignorantly and was sorry for it.  The Church was satisfied with the acknowledged.

Bethany, 18th October 1845 – cont

2nd  Brother Parkman preferred a charge against Brother Isaac Polk,  viz: That Brother Polk should have said all, meaning those who were on the toast table, were drunk at the dinner on the Fourth of July and also that he further said Brother Parkman was of the world and mingled with the world and he Brother Polk would not bear him  (Brother Parkman’s sin).  The charge being taken up.  Brother Parkman failed to establish it, and Brother Polk stood acquitted.  There upon, Brother Parkman expressed himself dissatisfied and the subject was postponed till next conference.

3rd   Called for the report of the committee for the regulation of the conduct of the colored part of our congregation, which report was
read and adopted.  Brethren William Stamps, Joel Bullock and John Mikell nominated as a committee to appoint five persons to
superintend that business.

4th   Appointed Brethren Loyd Polk and Malachi Bass to cite Brother John Simmons to our next conference.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany 15th November 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st Brother James Baggott  present himself before the conference, and acknowledged that he had  drank too much spirits and had resolved for the future, not to touch intoxicating spirits.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany 20th December 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment. On motion agreed to take up unfinished business.

Brother Parkman having expressed himself dissatisfied on the acquittal of Brother Issac Polk of a charge preferred against him at the October Conference, sill declared his unwillingness to live in fellowship in the Church with Brother Polk and upon this ground,
Bother Parkman, on otion and seconded was excluded from the fellowship  of  this Church.

Odered that the clerk furnish Friend Parkman with a copy of the  proceeding in reference to this case, according to his request.

Ordered that Brother Matthew Stephens and his wife, Society Stephens  have letters of dismission

Brother John Simmons requested, through Brother Joel Bullock,  a letter of dismission, but objection being made by Brother Bass, it
was postponed.

Conference adjourned.  Simeon Ross, Clerk, Pro Tem.

Bethany, 17th January 1845
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator being absent, Brother John Mikell was called to the Chair, Pro Tem.

1st  Brother Polk made an acknowledgement to the conference relative to contradicting a committee appointed to labour with him, which committee, he satisfied and his acknowledgement was received.

2nd  Took a difficulty, between Brethren Clarks, Legate and Tyrons,  but on motion and seconded, it was postponed until next conference and Brethren Joel Bullock and C. M. I. Stringer appointed to cite Brother Tyrone to our next meetings.

3rd Ordered that Sister Malinda Simmons have a letter of dismission

4th On move and seconded,  Brother John Simmons was excluded from the fellowship of this Church for drunkness and un-Christian conduct.

4th  The reception or rejection of a transcript for Friend Parkman was postponed until next conference.

5th  On move and seconded, the case of Brother Lemuel Bullock  was taken up, he was excluded from the fellowship of the cause of
Christ, where upon, he was excluded from the fellowship of this Chuch.

Brother Clarke acknowledged to the conference that he had used ill  language and was sorry for it, whereupon he was forgiven.

Ordered that  Brother John Bright have a letter of dismission

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany 14th February 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment.
Our Moderator being absent, Brother James Mikell was called to the Chair, Pro Tem.

1st  Received by letter Sister Molly Stringer (colored)

2nd  On move and seconded, the second article of the January Conference was reconsidered and read thus, ÒOn motion and
seconded took up a grievance of Brother Tyrone against Brethren Clarke and Legate for entering land and finding no fault in the
Brethren Clarke and Legate, they were acquitted from the charge.

3rd  Brother Adam Tyrone  was excluded from the fellowship of this church for bringing a false charge against Brethren Clarke and Legate and for disobeying the Church.

Bethany 14th February 1846 – cont

4th  Made a choice of Brother W. H. Mikell to raise Church music

5th  The transcript for Friend Parkman still postponed until next conference

Conference adjourned
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 14th March 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair

1st Ordered that the transcript prepared for Friend Parkman be on the table.

2nd  Brother Isaac Polk offered his resignation as deacon of this Church, which was received.

3rd  Resolved that we appoint two of our body to labour with Brother Richard Berry, his wife and servant,  and appointed Brethren C. M. I. Stringer and Edmond Lowe to labour with them.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 18th April 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st  The committee appointed to visit Brother Berry reported, that they  visited Brother Berry, who said he would attend this conference or the next.  Failing to attend, the Church will wait on Brother Berry  until next conference.

2nd   In compliance with a request from Harmony Church, appointed three Brethren to sit with in conference to aid them in Judging of Brother Needham LeeÕs ministerial gift and appointed.  Brethren James Mikell,  John J. Mikell and Joel Bullock to sit with them.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 16th May 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Our moderator being absent, Brother James Mikell was called to the Chair, Pro Tem.

Bethany, 16th May 1846 – cont

1st Took up the case of Brother Berry and on move and seconded,  it was postponed until next conference.

2nd On motion and seconded, postponed our Church Communion until next regular Communion Season

3rd Ordered that Brother James Mikell pay out of the Church fund for Brother Williams

Brother Edmond Lowe,  deceased

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 20th June 1846
Church may pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair

1st On move and seconded, took up the case of Brother Berry for his long absence from Church and returned the letters previously granted to  him and his wife, and his servant.

2nd Ordered that Sister Berry and servant have letters of dismission

3rd On move and seconded,  Brother BerryÕs request for a letter of dismission was postponed  until next conference.

Conference adjourned
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany 18th, July 1846
Church pursuant to adjournment Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair

1st On move and second, Brother Berry’s request for a letter of  dismission was taken up, which request was denied him.

2nd Brother Alfred Garner made an acknowledgement to the conference, that he had gone into  Mount Carmel on the Sabbath Day, got drunk, be, and ran a horse race, used bad language and lived to the dishonor of Christ.  Upon the acknowledgement of these facts, he was excluded from the    fellowship of this Church.

3rd Brother Burkett  preferred certain charges against Brother Richard Berry, for selling intoxivating liquors to Indians and Negroes on the Sabbath Day, and justified his conduct, upon which grievance, Brother Berry was excluded from the fellowship of this Church.

Bethany 18th, July 1846 – cont

4th On motion and second, proceeded to the choice of delegates and other arrangements for the association, and chose Brethren James Mikell and W. H. Mikell as our delegates.  Sent up ten dollars and requested forty-five copies of minutes.

Conference adjourned
W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, Sabbath, 16th August 1846

Received by letter  Sister Penny Stringer (colored).

Norvel Robertson, Jr., Moderator
W. H. Mikell (Clerk)

Bethany, 9th September 1846
Church met and had a special conference. Called for the reading of the Association letter, which was read and adopted.

Conference adjourned.

John P. Martin Moderator, Pro tem.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, 19th September 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st Received  Brother John H. Oatis by experience

2nd On move and second,  took up four specific charges of Brother William R. Legate,  against Brother Joseph Bullock and agreed to take them up item by item

Item 1st Brother Legate charges Brother Bullock,
1st  advertising him on the publick road in an indecent or unfriendly manner, as I my learn from what I am told.  This charge was not established and Brother Bullock stood acquitted.

Item 2nd.
Specification 2nd. For saying there was no lie in the advertisement that  was on the publick road, about me, and then denied                    saying there was no lie in the advertisement.  Brother Legate established this charge and the majority was in favor of receiving Brother Bullock’s  explanation.  On motion, the further examination of this matter was postponed until next conference.

Bethany, 19th September 1846 – cont

Ordered that Sister Tryone and servant have letters of dismission.

Conference adjourned.

W. H. Mikell, Clerk

Brother Travis Polk acknowledged to the conference that he had been angry, used bad  language, and stated things that were not true.  His acknowledgement  was received

Bethany, 17th October 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st On move and second, took up unfinished business.
The postponed charges came up and after some discussion, agreed to reconsider, and upon move to that effect, they all reconsidered and the Church agreed to throw them out.

2nd Took up certain charges against Sister Lena Wylie (colored)  namely, for stealing and lying, upon these charges being
established, she was excluded from the fellowship of this Church.

3rd Ordered that Brother Leroy Harry and his wife have letters of dismission.

4th By request of Brother Legate,  he was excluded from the fellowship of this church.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell C. C.

Bethany 13th November 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the chair.

1st Brother Joseph Bullock made an acknowledgement which was not satisfactory, he rose in his place and acknowledged that he had sinned.  In that he had cast uncharitable and injurious reflections on some members of this Church, that he had used improper and unbecoming language in the Church, while in conference.  The conference not being satisfied with Brother Bullock’s acknowlegements, agreed to postpone it until tomorrow.

Bethany 14th, November 1846
Met in business order according to adjournment.

Bethany 14th, November 1846 – cont

Took up Brother Bullock’s acknowledgement and the Conference being still dissatisfied, he was  excluded from the fellowship of the Church.

Ordered that Brother Granberry Blount  have a letter of dismission.

Ordered that Brother Sturling and his wife have letters of dismission.

Conference adjourned.
W. H. Mikell, Clerk.

Bethany 19th, December A. D. 1846
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr. in the Chair
C. M. I. Stringer, Clerk, Pro Tem.

1st Ordered that Penny, a colored Sister,  have a letter of dismission

Conference adjourned

Sister Rachel Taylor,  dead.

Bethany, January 16th 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st  Appointed C. M. I. Stringer, Clerk, Pro Tem.

Our friend, Reuben Smith  applied for membership with us, which case was postponed until next  meeting.

Ordered that Sister Mercy Parkman have a letter of dismission.

Ordered that Brother Joel Bullock cite Brother Quincy Bullock to attend our next conference

Conference adjourned.

Bethany, 20th February 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother James Mikell in the Chair, Pro Tem.

1st Received by letter,  Brother Simon Polk and wife, Sister Tintilla Polk

2nd Brother Granberry Blount returned a letter previously granted by this church.

Bethany, 20th February 1847 – cont

3rd Took up the postponed case of Friend Smith on his application for membership to this church by restoration,  the Church to which he previously belonged to being dissolved.  On his profession of repentance, he was received into the fellowship of the Church.

Conference adjourned
W. H Mikell, Clerk

Bethany, March 20th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother C. M. I. Stringer, Clerk, Pro. Tem.

1st Took up unfinished business. Brother Joel Bullock reported that he had complied with the appointment  of the Church citing Brother Quincy Bullock to attend this conference.

2nd Brother James Baggott  came forward and acknowledged that he had drank at one time too  much wine and beer.  The Church was satisfied with his acknowledgement he made.

3rd Brother B. Bridges laid a charge against his servant Ben, a member of this Church,  for putting his wife away without justifiable cause.

The Church took up the above case.  On motion, this case was postponed until the next conference.  Brother Joel Bullock and Isaac Polk appointed to labour with our coloured Brother.

Conference adjourned.

Bethany, April 17th 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother William Barnes called to the Chair, Pro Tem.

1st Taken up this unfinished.  Brother Quinney Bullock came forward to the Church and stated the cause of his long  absence from the Church, which satisfied the Church on being admonished to his duty by the Moderator.

2nd Taken up the case against Brother Benjamin, colored member.  Brethren Joel Bullock and Isaac Polk reported that they had complied with the request of the Church in this case.  They reported that the Brother stated that he had not put his wife away, but that she had put him away.  The report received, on motion of the Church, Brother Ben Bridges, a colored member, was excluded from the fellowship of this Church for putting away his wife.

3rd On motion agreed that we proceed to elect a Deacon for this Church, resulted in the choice of Brother William Stamps to serve
as Deacon, unanimously elected.

Brother William H. Mikell,  Dead

Bethany, May 15th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st On motion went into the choice for a clerk to serve this Church,  it resulted in the choice of Brother James M. White as clerk.

2nd On petition from Harmony Church, agreed that we send three  Brethren from this Church to aid in the adjustment of a difficulty  existing in that Church.  Agreed that we send Brethren James Mikell,  Joel Bullock, and James Miller.

3rd On motion agree that we make choice of some one to lead in music,  the result of which was Brother Jackson Burkett, elected to raise tunes  in Church singing.

Conference adjourned.
James M. White, Clerk.

Bethany, June 19th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment.  Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the chair.

1st Received by letter, Sister Nancy Magee

2nd Brother B. Bridges rose and stated to the Church that he had sinned and was sorry for it, for not attending our last conference and making an acknowledgement which he had promised to do, concerning a difficulty that was existing between himself and Sister Elizabeth  White.  The acknowledgement he made satisfied the Church.

Conference adjourned.
James M. White, Clerk.

Bethany, July 17th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

1st Brother Isaac Polk said there were reported against Brother Hartzog, that he had been guilty of some very criminal conduct toward certain ladies,  that himself and Brother James Mikell had conversed with Brother Hartzog on the subject.  He neither owned nor denied the truths of these reports and whereas Brother Hartzog refused to answer before the Church on move and second, resolved that Brother Hartzog be excluded from the fellowship of this Church.

2nd The letter to the Association was called for, read and adopted.

Conference adjourned.
J. M. White, Clerk

Bethany, September 18th 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair

2nd Move and second, agreed that this Church write to the Galilee Church, Copiah County, respecting the standing of Charles     Barksdale, colored,  who belonged in that Church some 12 or 15 years ago, as we want  to know whether he is an excluded member or not, as he wants to  become a member of this Church.

3rd Brother Malachi Bass, stated to the conference that he got angry and said more than he ought to have said, while working on the
road and was sorry for it.  The acknowledgement satisfied the Church.

4th Ordered that Brother Granberry Blount have a letter of dismission from this Church.

Conference adjourned.
J. M. White, Clerk

Bethany, October 16th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother N. Robertson, Jr., in the Chair

1st Received by letter        Brother Seaborn Bass and his wife, Sister Patience Bass.

Conference adjourned.
J. M. White, Clerk.

Bethany, November 19th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment Brother James Murry called to the Chair.

On option, agreed that we take up the subject of calling our ministerial supply for the ensuing year (this being an annual time of falling a supply or

On further discussion it was postponed until tomorrow.

Conference adjourned to meet Saturday.
J. M. White, Clerk

Saturday, November 20th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

On motion and agreed that we take up unfinished business and proceed to elect our supply for the ensuing year by ballot

Brother Norvel Robertson, Junion was elected unanimously.  He accepted the call of the Church.

Conference adjourned
J. M. White, Clerk

Bethany, December 18th, 1847
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., on the Chair.

Brother Elisha Clark  stated to the Church that he got drunk at the election and he was sorry
for it.  His acknowledgement satisfied the Church Conference.

Conference adjourned.
J. M. White, Clerk

Bethany, January 15th, 1848 A. D
Church met pursuant to adjournment Brother Norvel Robertson, Jr., in the Chair.

On motion, conference adjourned.

J. M. White, Clerk




1 thought on “Bethany Baptist Church”

  1. i have tried to locate this church and cemetery. i found a newer one but nothing on the original. i had ancestors who were members there, jesse and charity simmons. can anyone tell me anything else about this curch, other that what is in this story? thanks


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