Fox – Arrington Cemetery, Lawrence County, Mississippi 1807-1923

Compiled and contributed by:
Loretta White Hamler  <>
Billy J. Gossett
December 20, 2000

Directions:   From Monticello, Lawrence Co, Ms, go north on Hwy 27 to Wanilla.  (Just after you cross the railroad tracks, there is a road to the right.  This is Smith Ferry Rd.  There is a sign, which says Wanilla, with an arrow pointing to the right.)  Go down Smith Ferry Rd passed the Wanilla Baptist Church to where the road comes to a dead end.  Take a left and continue on this road.  Just before you get to the bridge, there is an old sign which says Fox – Arington Cemetery, 1807-1923, with arrow pointing to the left.   Follow the dirt road a short ways to the cemetery.  It is fenced and well kept.


Co C  4 Ga Inf

Joseph Clifton COKER
Feb 11, 1916
Jan 19, 1917

Joe Toliver MADISON
Dec 17, 1860
Dec 25, 1914

Sarah Malisa MADISON
Aug 2, 1912
Aug 27, 1917

(tombstone broken)

Mar 16, 1850
Dec 3, 1914

Richard FOX
Born in Mecklenburg C, VA
Nov 25, 1780
Died in Lawrence Co, Miss
Oct 17, 1853
66 yrs. 10 mos. 22 dys.
(tombstone lying on ground)

wife of Richard FOX
Born in Franklin Co, N.C.
Mar 1, 1794
Died in Lawrence Co, Miss
June 25, 1850
65 yrs. 3 mos. 24 dys

Mary E.
wife of  G. J.  COTTEA
Born in North Carolina
Dec 31, 1820
Died Feb 15, 1886
66 yrs. 1 mo. 15 days.

Charles SIDNEY
Born Mar 17, 1846
Sep 24, 1846

Lucy Caroline ARRINGTON
Aged 15 yrs. 2 mo. 15 ds.
Maria Louisa ARRINGTON
14 yrs. 12 ds.
They were drowned in Pearl River at 4 o’clock p.m Mar 15, 1842
Lucy Caroline sleeps here but the waters never gave back to us
our loved Louisa.

O weep not for those whom the veil of the lifes happy mourning hath
did from our eyes  (more to verse on girls stone, but couldn’t read all of it.
The tombstone is lying on the ground and some of it is covered by grass.)
(Transcribers note:  The story is the two Arrington girls were on their way to
a ball in Monticello.  Accompanied by their chaperone, they were taken in their
father’s boat.  There had been a great deal of rain and the river was up.
Within sight of the dock in Monticello,  the boat overturned and sank.  Efforts
to rescue the girls failed.)

HAYGOOD   (on back of stone are names of children….not in order.)
Benjamin Tucker   Harriett T. Emma
B. 1809  Fairfield Co, S.C. Carolyn M. Louisa M.
D. 1859       Benjamin F. Martha E.
married 1838   Thomas W. Frances M.
wife  Rachel Bell   Rankin  Alice O.
B. 4 Nov 1822
D. 12 Jan 1906
Choctaw maiden
(on bottom of stone is word “CENOTAPH“)

wife of  Jacob FOX
Born Oct 18, 1750
Died July 6, 1843
Aged 93 yrs. 3 mos. 12 ds.

Elizabeth L. FOX
consort of D. G. HILL
Died 22 Feb 1840
aged 23 yrs

William A.
son of Arthur & Patience A.J. FOX
born Dec 4, 1820
died Oct 15, 1842
aged  21 yrs. 10 ms. 11 ds

Robeca E.
wife of Rev .J. W.  WELLBORN
born Nov 15, 1817
died Jan 28, 1909
(on bottom of stone…WELLBORN)

Mrs. Ammaryllis Willis PIERCE
dau of R. C. & A. HILLIARD
born in North Carolina
Dec 12, 1813
died May 30, 1876
“Jesus can make a dying bed as soft as downy pillows on his breast
I’ll lean my head and breathe my life out sweetly there.”

wife of R.C. HILLIARD
born in N. C.
Mar 16, 1784
died July 29, 1853

Willis Mcleod FRILICK
born July 17, 1843
died Oct 13, 1851
aged 3 yrs, 2 mo.s. 27 days

born in Newborn, N. C.
May 22, 1797
died March 6, 1840
aged 43 yrs. 10 mo. 8 days

wife of Wm ASTONE
born in N. C. died in Miss.
Oct 4, 1859
aged 58 yrs.
“But one thing is necessary she hath chosen the best part
which shall be taken away from her.”

(Double stone)
Sarah S. FOX   William W. FOX
Born May 26, 1847  Born Sept 17, 1846
Died Sept 9, 1895  Died June 15, 1911
Asleep in Jesus   Asleep in Jesus
Blessed Sleep   Blessed sleep
(foot markers at headstone with initials.  SSF and WWF)

Isaac Anding
son of W.W .and S.S. FOX
born Dec 25, 1888
died July 26, 1890

Sacred to the memory of
John Hunt FOX
son of
Wm W. and Sally S. FOX
born Apr 11, 1871
died Aug 25, 1887
aged 16 yrs. 4 mos. 14 ds.
“What to us is life without thee
Darkness and despair alone
when with sighs we seek to find thee
This tomb proclaims that thou art gone.”

Sacred to the memory of
Earnest FOX
son of Wm W. and Sally S. FOX
Born Sept 1, 1873
died Sept 15, 1875
“Suffer little chldren to come unto me
and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Sacred to the memory of
Elizabeth R. FOX
wife of John Hunt FOX
Born Oct 31, 1825
Died Aug 13, 1861
aged 35 yrs. 10 mos. 22 ds
“Blessed are they that die in the Lord.”

In memory of
John H. FOX
Born May 21, 1818
Died June 25, 1858
aged 40 yrs. 1mo. 6 ds.

dau of Arthur & Patience A. J.
Born May 5, 1822
Died Jan 6, 1846
(This is an assumption that Jefferys was her married name.
Could only be a middle name.)

Patience A. J.
wife of Arthur FOX
born in North Carolina
Nov 9, 1789
Died in Lawrence Co, Miss
Apr 16, 1851
aged 61 yrs. 5 mos. 7 days.

Arthur FOX
Born in Virginia
Aug 19, 1788
Died in Lawrence Co. Miss
Jan 9, 1852
aged 63 yrs. 4 mos. 20 dys.

In memory of R.C.T.S. HILLIARD
Born Apr 23, 1824
Died June 6, 1883
“I will both lay me down in peace and sleep,
for thour Lord only maketh me dwell in safety.”

In memory of
Willis Lewis HUNT. M. D.
Born Feb 26, 1795
Died Sept 13, 1864
“The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them
that fear Him and delivered them.”

Daughter of R. C. & A. HILLIARD
Born in North Carolina
June 30, 1812
Died June 3, 1851

Mary Louisa
daughter of R. C. & A. HILLIARD
Born in North Carolina
Nov 30, 1818
Died Aug 24, 1840
“No sickness, sorrow, or pain shall ever disquiet her now
for death to her spirit was gain
since Christ was her life when below.”

(Big, flat stone covering grave)
Mrs. Betsy MCLEOD
Born in Franklin Co, N. C.
Apr 26, 1780
Died  Jan 1, 1850
aged 70 ys. 2 mos. 26 days

An honest man’s
the noblest work of
in peace
born in N. C.
July 20, 1826
Died in Miss
July 10, 1858
aged 32 yrs

(big double marker)
Charles Sidney          married 1866 Frances M. HAYGOOD
B. Dec 24, 1847    B. 1853, Copiah Co
D. 1880     D. 1880
Veteran CSA    daughter of
Benjamin Tucker HAYGOOD
Charles Henry FOX                       and
Amanda Melvina ARRINGTON                Rachael BELL
(children listed in middle of stone)
Louella FOX 1867 d. 1945
Morris FOX died in childhood
Robert Nicklas FOX b 1873 d. 1857
(on bottom of stone is “cen ‘ otaph”)

Sam L. FOX
son of Charles H. & A. M. FOX
Born Apr 1, 1861
Died Nov 3, 1886
(stone broken, part on ground.  Unreadable quote covered by grass)

In memory of
Robert N.
son of Charles H. & A.M. FOX
Born July 1, 1846
Died Aug 6, 1885
aged 39 yrs. 1 mo. 6 days.
(religous quote too faded to read)
George Hill
son of Charles H. & Amanda M. FOX
Died Oct 9, 1842
aged 1 mo. 10 days.

Wm. Chummey
son of Charles H. & Amanda  M. FOX
died June 3, 1853
Ae, 11 mos. 10 days.

son of Charles H. & Amanda  M. FOX
died Apr 16, 1846
aged 11 mo. 4 ds.

(stone broken)
Patience Ann
daughter of
J.H. & E.R. FOX
born Sept. 22, 1854
died Aug. 9,  1857
aged 2 yrs. 10 ms. 17 ds.

John H
son of J.H & E.R. FOX
born Nov 4, 1858
died June 20, 1859
“Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

(all other information gone.)

In loving memory
Lofeyatte Levi DOTSON  Cornelia Ann FOX
CSA Veteran   Oct. 6, 1843 – July 23, 1880
1833 – after 1875  daughter of
son of     Charles Henry FOX
DOTSON    Amanda Melvina ARRINGTON
Margaret N. BUNEY
(on back of stone list of children)
Margaret M. Dotson CLARK 1862
Charles Henry DOTSON  1863 – 1927
Alinia  “Allie” DOTSON  1865
Mary Elizabeth Dotson ROSS 1867 – 1911
Caroline Virginia Dotson SILLS 1868 – 1955
Cornelia Ann Dotson CLIBURN  1870 – 1897
Naplnan Herbert DOTSON  1871 – 1939
Blanch Dotson HARVEY  1875 – 1914

Charles Henry
CSA Veteran
13 July 1815  N.C.
12 Jan. 1862
son of Arthur and Patience Ann J. HUNT
Married Amanda Melvina ARRINGTON   8 Nov 1841
(names of children on back of stone)
G. Hill
Corneila Ann
Robert N
Charles S
Ida Belle
Goerge H
William C
Samuel L





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