Miscellaneous Cemeteries, Lawrence County, Mississippi

Graves in a pasture

Located: between Topeka and Ruth, Lawrence County, Mississippi.
Transcribed by: Mitzie Rutland
There are 3 graves across road from our house in a pasture.There are 2 inclosed in a iron fence

Rebecca wife of Bird Williams
Died April 2,1860
aged 49 years 1 month 10 days

Bird Williams
Died March 27,1860
aged 63 years 8 months 21 days

The other one is on a small hill next to the road

Sarah A.A. wife of Irving Magee
Died Aug.15,1862 Age 40 years
“Blessed Are They That Die In The Lord”


Unnamed Cemetery

I just returned from a genealogy search to Sontag, MS. The community is well off the beaten path & has one store & a post office. A customer of the store informed me of a cemetery that is on land in Sontag, that was purchased by two men from LA. She said that they were bull-dozing  the headstones into the creek & that no record existed of them that she knew of. I may have lost any chance to locate some much needed info. Can anything be done to stop these men or at least  make a record of the people buried there?For more information, or if you can help, please contact CARLSGIRL6@aol.com




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