Prices in 1911

Gives us a peek at what our grandparents spent
From Vivian Combs Moon sent to the KyCombs list

January 20, 1911 Friday    Middletown News-Signal, Middletown, Ohio
445 East Third Street
Middletown, Ohio
Phone 62

Elgin Creamery Butter, brick form, lb……………………………………35c
Pure Buckwheat in 10-lb sack, worth……………………………………..40c
(The old-fashion kind) special 10-lb sack………………………………..28c
Chocolate Cream Drops, our own make, 15c regular Saturday………………….10c
Flour Winter patent, high grade, 80c sack, regular Saturday 24 1/2-lb Sack…..65c
Oranges, “Flordia Sweets” dozen………………………………15c 20c and 30c
Cake, Chocolate Layer, our own make in carton “Country Club” brand, each…….10c
Beans, hand picked Navy, special, 6-lb for……………………………….25c
Rice, Japan Head, worth 8c-lb, special, 6-lb for………………………….25c
Eggs, Country, guaranteed fresh, dozen…………………………………..34c
Oleo, Marigold, one-half Creamery, Kroger’s price, lb……………………..25c
Oleo, Monarch, high grade, worth 25c, Saturday lb…………………………20c
Syrup one-half gallon cans, 20c everywhere, Koger’s……………………….15c
Vanila Wafers 20c, everyweher, Kroger’s………………………………….11c
Peaches, fancy, evaporated, lb………………………………………10c 20c
Bananas, goldren fruit, Saturday dozen…………………………………..15c
Peroxide, indispensible in the medicine cabinet, special bottle……………..7 1/2c
Oysters, in sanitary cans 35c everywhere, Saturday special can……………..25c
Apples, fancy Baldwins and Wine Saps, peck……………………………….45c
Picnic Shoulders, delicious little picnics lb…………………………….14c
Lard, absolutely pure………………………………………………….14c
Chickens – We will handle chickens on foot every Saturday
for our customers, nice fat ones lb……………………………………..12c
Brooms – Hand made, bamboo handles, fancy, each…………………………..30c




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