Iuka, Tishomingo County, Mississippi, 1891

Iuka, the seat of justice of Tishomingo County, has over one thousand inhabitants and is situated on the Memphis & Charleston railroad. One hundred and fifteen miles east of Memphis, six miles from Alabama line, seven miles from the Tennessee river, upon one of the most elevated sections of Mississippi; readily accessible by the Memphis & Charleston railroad and its connections.

The country around is hilly, and has been termed “The Switzerland of Mississippi.” The corporation is one mile square. Every house is surrounded by ample grounds of orchard, park and garden.

There are five churches, all with active, earnest membership, and a flourishing normal school. Cordial, hospitable, wide-awake, and energetic, the inhabitants of Iuka are pleasant people with whom to cast one’s lot. Its people are educated and refined, and its business is flourishing and growing.

Other towns in the county are Bay Springs, Cartersville, Eastport and Burnsville.


Back to: Mississippi Counties, Cities and Towns, 1891

Source: Biographical and Historical Memories of Mississippi, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1891

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