Leland, Washington County, Mississippi 1891

Leland is situated east from Greenville about ten miles, on the banks of Deer creek, and has a population of six hundred. The main line of the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas railway passes through Leland, which is also the diverging point for the Greenville, Arkansas City, Lake Washington and Bolivar Loop branches of that road, while the Georgia Pacific railway crosses the main line one half mile from the town. Leland is surrounded by a well -settled and rich cotton and corn growing section. Within the past few years some twenty thousand acres have been put into cultivation near Leland. Leland is substantially built of brick and presents a fine appearance. The merchants carry large stocks and are doing a prosperous business, while not less than ten thousand bales of cotton are handled. The annual business of the town will aggregate fully $1,000,000. The Louisville, New Orleans & Texas railway company has erected there one of the finest hotel buildings in the state, having accommodations for over one hundred guests, which station at Clarksdale, conceded to be one of the finest, was opened by Mr. Blake in 1887.

A large sawmill, a large stove factory and two gins are in operation at Leland, and not less than thirty-two business houses, representing every line of trade. There are two handsome, well equipped schoolhouses, affording excellent educational facilities for both races. Three good church buildings have been erected, while several secret societies are represented by flourishing lodges and well appointed halls.

The streets are wide, graded, and good sidewalks have been put down and improvements of a substantial character are visible on every hand.

Leland is the end of two divisions of the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas railway, and that company has large workshops and lumber yards there, employing a large force of men. Capt. J. A. V. Feltus, the father of Leland, founded the town in 1884, having ever fostered its interests to the extent of his by no means limited ability.

Back to: Mississippi Counties, Cities and Towns, 1891

Source: Biographical and Historical Memories of Mississippi, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1891

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