New Albany, Union County, Mississippi, 1891

The seat of justice of Union County is New Albany, which is located at the intersection of the Gulf & Chicago and Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham railways, and has a population of eleven hundred and twenty-five.

It is the center of a growing local trade, and a shipping point of importance. Its schools and churches are numerous, and its business and professional men and citizens generally are of a class unusually intelligent, well educated and refined.

Wallerville, Ellistown, Blue Springs, Keownville, Baker, Ingomar, Rocky Ford and Myrtle are the other towns and trading points in Union county.


Back to: Mississippi Counties, Cities and Towns, 1891

Source: Biographical and Historical Memories of Mississippi, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1891

3 thoughts on “New Albany, Union County, Mississippi, 1891”

    • Hi looking for O’Callaghan, me too, maybe we can help each other, my Great grandfather is Otis Clinton O’Callaghan, my grandfather is Otis Morris O’Callaghan Sr, my daddy is Otis Morris Jr. I have lots of pictures.

  1. Looking for a picture or more information on Robert Lee Carr born 09/13/1905 died 07/18/1939. Born in New Albany MS married to Mary Pittsinger. First child born 1929.


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