Raymond and Bolton, Hinds County, Mississippi, 1891

Raymond was established as the seat of justice of Hinds County January 17, 1829, in accordance with the report of locating commissioners appointed February 4, 1828. The population in 1890 according to the census was five hundred; but on May 11, 1891, the Clarion-Ledger claimed for it one thousand more, or a total of fifteen hundred. Each year, as it is numbered with the past, shows a large increase of population. It has good schools, good society, good water; and the ministers look after the spiritual affairs of the people. The business men, as a class, are spirited, enterprising and progressive, well disciplined in the best way of trade, carry unusually large stocks, classify and handle them by metropolitan methods, are sagacious and public spirited merchants, and a more generous or whole souled class was never gathered in one city of its size. They have an elegant $60,000 courthouse and a $40,000 jail and many fine buildings, evidences of thrift and prosperity. It would seem as though the citizens of Raymond had adopted the word Excelsior for their motto. The famous Cooper’s wells are but a few miles from the city. During the summer an immense number reside in Raymond on account of the proximity of these wells.

The history of the old settlers of Hinds County contains many references to Raymond, Mount Salus, or Clinton, and other towns of historic interest; while in the first chapter of volume I the physical characteristics of these neighborhoods are noted. Courts for this county are held at Jackson also.

Bolton, twenty miles east of Jackson, on the Queen & Crescent railroad, as described by the Clarion-Ledger of May 11, 1891, is located in that portion of Hinds county which is attracting the attention of citizens. Its elements of wealth surpass Persia of old. Bolton has always been a favored little town, and by the enterprise and liberality of its citizens it is growing rapidly in wealth, culture and education. It is .surrounded by a fertile country, with its fields of snowy cotton and orchards, and settled by an industrious population. Bolton is a live center, and all the influences which characterize refined life are found here. It became the nucleus of a city in 1847. Naught could be seen then but a few cleared fields, around which basked the June sun; the dense forest, as up into the clear blue sky wreathed lazily, or swayed fantastically in the evening breeze, the pale blue smoke from the wooden chimneys of the few log huts that then comprised the embryo village, clothed in all her natural grandeur. The Indian hunted lazily through the forest, while the dark- eyed damsel made love to the brave, as the wild flowers kissed the morning dew, or as the luminary of the universe cast its scintillate rays o’er forest and departing day. But behold the change. The iron horse carries the products of the plantations and the orchard to the markets in the great world beyond. Fine buildings are filled with varied stocks which attract the eye. Church and school buildings send forth morality and education, which sow the crop of genius in future great men. Large moneyed interests and young industries are here, working forward steadily to place the town where ambition points, and good hotels afford entertainment to the traveler. Terry is fifteen miles south of Jackson, on the Illinois Central railroad. It is in the midst of a great fruit country, and boasts of a few industries. Other towns in this county are Clinton, Edwards, Utica, Learned, Adams, Oakley, Byram, and a few more.


Back to: Mississippi Counties, Cities and Towns, 1891

Source: Biographical and Historical Memories of Mississippi, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1891

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